38. Lakshagriha- the Palace of Flames.

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Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems.

The next 10 days passed with a hectic schedule for everyone. Arjun spoke with Kunti regarding the matter of their birth. Kunti was shocked but she told the same story that Yuddhisthir and Karna had spoken. The brothers simply hugged their mother as she broke down in tears post the tale. Advika had simply smiled at the scene through her freely falling tears.
After that everyone became busy with their respective works. Karna needed to see to his duties
as the Crown prince but he also kept an eye on the lacquer palace. Yuddhisthir looked over the
preparations for the Puja that will be conducted. Bhima was tasked with the prasad for the puja
as well the various other requirements for the puja. Arjun dealt with the security of the place.
Nakul and Sahadev spoke with the priest and dealt with various other requirements told by the
priest. Advika and Kunti spoke with various Brahmans and other various people who will be
fed on that day. Invitations and decorations were dealt by both.
Finally on the last day, at Purochana's place, the Puja was conducted. All of them prayed for
the two departed souls and for their family. The prasad was distributed among everyone,
including themselves. Then the Brahman bhojan started with all the brothers, Kunti and Advika
serving them. When all have eaten and left, did they sat down to eat.

" Maa, today we will be moving to that place." said Nakul, with a distasteful look on his face.

" Yes, I know! I hope everything goes well. Putra Karna, what have you planned?" asked Kunti as she looked at her eldest son.

" Maa, we need to make sure that Purochana does not get a chance to burn that palace. We need
at the least six months. The tunnel that is being dug, will need six months to be completed. " said Karna, his lips pressed into a thin line.

" Six months? Can it not be hurried jyesht?" asked Bhima, grumbling a bit.

" No anuj. Doing that can bring the suspicion of Purochana on us." said Karna.

" Agreed Arya. But we need someone to guard us when we sleep, so that man does not burn us
to death." said Advika, her brows furrowed.

" I will do that Bhabhishree, jyesht, maa! I will stand guard while you all sleep till the tunnel
is completed." said Bhima, immediately
" Bhima, you don't need to do it alone, we will join you." said Yuddhisthir, his concern for his little brothers can be felt by his voice.
" Nehi bhrata! I will do it alone. I can sleep in the morning. Please allow me maa, jyesht! Do
not take this chance, that allows me to serve you." requested Bhima sincerely.

Karna smiled at the plea. He looked at Kunti who smiled back. His gaze then searched Advika's
who nodded with a smile. His brothers also gave a nod and a smile each.

" Thik hai Bhima. But I will join you in some nights." said Karna.

" Parantu jyesht.." protested Bhima, only to be silenced when Karna lifted his palm stopping
his protest.

" Bhima, I myself won't feel comfortable if you are alone at night. I will join you, only on some
nights. Please keep this request of mine. And you will rest and sleep in the morning, yes?" asked Karna, his voice soft and a beautiful smile graced his lips.

" Ji jyesht! " replied Bhima, giving up in front of his elder brother's request. He was still happy

Purochana took the Royals to Lacquer Palace, in the night.
" Rajmata, you will be amazed at how the palace looks at night. It is very beautiful." said Purochana, a fake smile on his face, which they noticed.

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