Finding You part 4 ch 76

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Finding you part 4 ch 76~At Skye/Lorenzo~ Luis Jr was in  his room sitting on the bed waiting for Lorenzo and Genevieve was in the hallway watching out to see if Lorenzo was coming when Lorenzo came into the hallway and opened Luis Jr door and went into his son room and close the door."Luis, Did you break the vase, or was it your sister' Lorenzo ask "It was me father and I'm sorry" Luis Jr said "I do believe you are sorry, Do you want to rest before dinner" Lorenzo ask "No, You're not going to spank me" Luis Jr asks Lorenzo touch his son's chin. "No son I'm not going to hit you ever," Lorenzo said as he hug his son. "Dinner sure is ready soon," Lorenzo said he got up from the bed and opened Luis's door, and went downstairs. Genevieve came into Luis Jr room. "Luis did you get a spanking" Genevieve ask "No, Father think it was you," Luis Jr said "I will tell him the truth," Genevieve said "No we will keep this a secret," Luis Jr said "You're a great brother," Genevieve said they share a hug as Lila Rae came in. "Luis, Who start the fight was it you or Morgan" Lila Rae ask "It was Morgan," Luis Jr said "You sure find a new boyfriend, After what he did to Luis," Genevieve said 'I'm not going to break up with Morgan," Lila Rae said "I guess you don't care about your brother, You're twin," Genevieve said "I care about Luis, Yes what Morgan says was wrong but still," Lila Rae said "Lila Rae you could do better," Luis Jr said 'I don't need you to look out for me," Lila Rae said Jamie came in. "Dinner is ready," Jamie said as they went downstairs.

In the dining room~Skye and Lorenzo and Skylar was at the table waiting for Lila Rae and Genevieve and Luis Jr who had just come down. "Sorry, we are late," Genevieve said "It's okay, So my vase broke by accident" Skye ask "Yes mother," Genevieve said "Yes I'm sorry," Luis Jr said "It's okay," Skye said "Tomorrow I'm going to watch Alexis in court it sure be fun," Genevieve said "That's cool," Skylar said "Yeah," Luis Jr said as Tracy came in. "Aunt Tracy," Genevieve said "Genevieve, I just came to check on you Skye if you need anything I saw Alan today," Tracy said "I'm fine," Skye said Lorenzo took Skye's hand. "Yes I'm taking care of my wife," Lorenzo said "Good, I will see you later then," Tracy said "How is Alan" Skye ask "Good" Tracy said and left. Lorenzo got up from the table. "I need to go to the coffee shop I want you all to listen to you're mother and Jamie, "Lorenzo said "Yes Daddy," Skylar said "Lorenzo come back to us," Skye said "I will," Lorenzo said they share a kiss and Lorenzo left. "Mother is everything okay" Genevieve ask "It will be," Skye said

At a cabin, ~ Tomas and Faith were tied up and sitting on a chair. "This is all you're fault, Now what is going to happen," Tomas said "It's not my fault," Faith said "You promise to help me take Lorenzo's business away that's why I married you, Not to get payback on you're family," Tomas said "I break promises so what" Faith ask as Lorenzo came in. "Well look, Tomas and Faith why didn't you tell me that you got married I would have sent you a gift" Lorenzo ask "Lorenzo this is all Faith's idea," Tomas said "Oh shut up! Faith yelled "I can't trust either of you and I will keep my family safe! I almost lose my wife because of you Faith and I will not let you hurt our family anymore I will make sure you're dead! Lorenzo yelled "How you keep trying to kill me" Faith ask "I'm going to shoot you and then cut you up in pieces there's no way you will make it! Lorenzo yelled "Lorenzo," Tomas said "Tomas don't I will kill you too," Lorenzo said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was in bed holding a picture of her and Lorenzo. "Come back to me Lorenzo safe," Skye said as Lorenzo came in with blood on his suit. "Lorenzo," Skye said Lorenzo took off his suit and lay on the bed with Skye. "I took care of Faith and Tomas there is no way they will come back from this," Lorenzo said "How did you do it" Skye ask "Skye I can't tell you, If Ric comes to question me," Lorenzo said "Does anyone know that Faith is alive" Skye ask "No, But Daniella could come to ask me if I know where Tomas is," Lorenzo said "Alright, I'm just glad you're okay," Skye said "Me too," Lorenzo said

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