a little friend

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The bitty was in the corner, staring at you with wide eyes. You stare as well.

"Uhm... Hi?" You said, making the bitty flinch. You became confused because of how he reacted. You put your hand in front of him. He didn't budge, instead he continues to stare at you

"Hmm..." As you think what you can do, the bitty looks at every part of your body, almost observing you.

"...uhm.." you said, making the bitty look at you again, but this time, not so tense. You tried to touch it again, but he moved away.

You decided not to touch him, but you went to get food. When you came back from the kitchen....

...He wasn't in the box

You panicked and looked everywhere. You looked in everyroom checking every small spaces on where he might hide.

After a while, You saw him hiding under the bed, trembling as he saw you.

You stared at the bitty for a few seconds then went to get the food, when you came back to the bed, the bitty is still there. You put the food in front of the bed. And you walk away, hoping that the bitty would eat the food you gave him.

*After a few hours*

You come back to the room and check under the bed again. Seeing him asleep under it.

"He seems uncomfy" you said to yourself. In a whisper, you slowly tried to get him out from the bed, and you successfully did it. Relieved, you didn't wake him up.

You put him on your pillow and let him sleep...

*A few hours later*

You came back to the room, seeing him awake and looking around, his eyes widen when he saw you. He gets off the pillow. You noticed he was gonna jump off the bed so you tried to catch him, but you didn't, he landed face first and his head started to bleed.

You came closer to him, he was rubbing his head and sees there's blood on his hands when he looked, you carried him on your hands while you still have the chance. He tried to escaped, but he noticed he is too high up to try and jump off again.

You put him on the table. Him getting off your hand immediately. He stared at you with wide eyes, fear visible on his face. "I won't hurt you... " You said, not knowing what to say afterwards. Then you hold his head, he tries to get your hand of his head but fails

You got a small handkerchief and cut a small piece out of it. Then you soaked it in cold water and gave it to him.

The bitty looks up to you. Taking the small handkerchief from your hand hesitantly. He puts it on his bleeding head, still looking at you nervously.

A few minutes of staring and awkwardness, you ask him how he got inside a box

"I... I was forced to stay inside the box by my previous owner... I can only see through the holes in the box and they laid the the box I'm in, on your doorstep..." He said.

"Hmm... May I know your name?" You asked. ".....yuuji" he answered. "Yuuji?" You repeated. He nods.

"Well, I'm Y/N" you told him, he looks at you again and repeats your name then nods again.

"O-ok master Y/N" he said, you were surprised by what he said, you told him he doesn't need to call you master. He can just call you by your name. "O-oh... Sorry..." He said, you said it's alright. You told him if his still tired, he can sleep on your bed, while putting your hand infront of him. He nods and goes to your hand holding on your thumb so that he won't fall. You put him on the bed again.

After putting him on the bed, you place a board from the bed to the floor, so that he can go down the bed and not hurt himself again. You leave the door open for him.

He falls asleep after you leave...

Authors note: pls correct my grammar, English isn't my main language.
Also this is my first story.

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now