not a wonderful encounter

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Your eyes widen to the 2 people who are Infront of you. You didn't want this encounter to happen again because of what happened last time....

*The last meeting you and your bullies had*

You were just walking around the hall, until the two arrived. Mabel and Kai..... They are your bullies until now, created rumors about you and had the whole school believe it, except the teachers.

Because there are CCTVs in the school...

When you met them at the hall, they had smirks on their faces, letting you know that something happened that involves them.

Their grin made you feel uncomfortable, but you still continued to walk pass them from the hall.

When you got to the classroom, everyone was looking at you. Their eyes full of fear, you sat on your seat, trying to ignore their stares.

When the teacher came to class, some students bring their attention to the teacher while the others kept staring at you for a few seconds until they slowly looked away and to the teacher

The teacher asked why they look uncomfortable. "S-sorry teacher but... We couldn't help but feel scared around.... Y/N...." One of you classmates said. The teacher asked why, "Y-you see, Kai told us that Y/N beaten up kristine, and that's the reason why she's in the hospital right now!" One of your classmates told your teacher.

(Kristine, one of your classmates that likes sports, got into a car accident. The parents of hers told the teachers she was in the hospital and what the reason is. They told the students that she is in the hospital, but didn't tell them what's the cause of her getting into there.)

"T-thats not true!" You protested, they didn't believe you. The teachers know that it's a rumor but decided to play along.

You got sent to the principal, but you didn't get suspended nor expelled. They just sent you to the principal to make the students think your in trouble.

And after that, you tried your best to avoid Mabel and Kai

*Finish backstory*

You were doing almost a great job in avoiding them until this happened....

As you were staring at both of them, their face show anger, they walk towards you

Mabel slaps you on the face, making you fall down and hold the cheek she slapped. "Where the fuck were you!?" She looks down on you, making you feel scared. You ran away they followed you.

You went to the principal, making them stop on their tracks. Being in the principal's office makes you safe.

The principal looks at you and asks what's wrong. "Mabel and Kai... They saw me... Sorry for barging in..." You said.

The principal said it's ok and you can stay as long as you like.

*You stayed there for a few hours*

You got out of the principal, thanking him for letting you stay at the principals office.

You walked through the hall way. You put your hands in your pockets. Making your eyes widen.
Yuji is not inside your pocket....

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now