finding out more

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It's morning... Your still tired...

You should've known already that you would be tired today...

You sit up, yawning. You look to where Yujis bed is, he's still sleeping...

You look around and go out of his room, going downstairs to make breakfast...

You get a piece of bread and already ate it, not having the energy to put some things in it. You close your eyes a bit and open them again... But when you did, your eyes go wide...

There's a man and a woman... In front of you. You jump back a bit from your seat, they... The ghost.. or something, jump back too. They look familiar though...

You think about who they might be, and your mind clicked when you did.

They're your dead parents... The ones you saw in your dreams...

"You can see us?" Your mom asks, you nod as an answer.

Tears start forming on her eyes and then stream down her cheeks. She tries to hug you, but before she walks toward you a bit more, she remembers that she can't touch or hold you in any way...

"Oh... Right..." She says to herself, you look around trying to find your dad, and see him in front of Yujis door, just.... Staring....

"Hey dad? You alright?" You asks a bit loudly, but not too loud. He looks at you, and nod before appearing in front of you.

"About the thing we were going to say to you when you were in a dream..." Your mom says... "You already saw that your dad is not a normal human..." She continues

"You are a hybrid... A hybrid of a curse and a human..." She adds again, you listen attentively from what she's about to say.

"You were never a normal human, ever since birth... But... We didn't tell you because we thought something might happen...

So we decided to tell you at the right age..

And this age is now...

So please, we are going to answer the question you have been thinking after your talk with us...

You.. are a half human and half curse, a powerful kind of curse, not like sukuna, but a bit close

The speed you have is not like a humans, same goes for your strength...

Your abilities have already manifested in you...

And have you thought on why you didn't die when Yuji became a human again?"

You shake your head

"Well... You activated your own shield...

Without knowing it, your abilities have been saving you many times...

You have a form that you still don't know about... And neither do we"

She adds,

You process the information she told you, and nod.

"You aren't scared, nervous... Not anything??" Dad asks, you nod.

Now that you think about it, it does make sense..

"Hey Y/N, why are just staring at the Tv? You do know it's turned off right?..." You look at the voice and see it's Megumi,

"It's nothing... Heh... Sorry that it seems weird..." You apologies, not knowing what else to say...

He says it's fine and tells you to sleep if your still tired..

You just follow what he said after you nod...

You lay back down on the mattress in Yujis room...

Falling asleep slowly....
- haha, sorry for not being able to update much, but I hope you enjoy it even though it's a bit short....
- The updates are going to be either slow or a lot of times in 1 day/week.

I hope you have enjoyed it!

Have a good day/night!

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now