solving the clues

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You decided to go to the pet shop first, you look around for any clues and you didn't. You then go to the zoo, you look at every animal in the place. You thought that you were wrong until you think of it much more. The animals aren't just drawn randomly, they were placed in order.

You thought it would create some kind of word that can help you get to the next question. You follow the order from the drawing, and you were right, it would make a word. Some of the letter in it, need to be checked from the place on where the animal is.

It formed the word pile, and you have an idea on what it meant. You go back inside your car then drive towards the pile... A used to be highschool.

You look around for any kind of clue, having a hard time you finally saw one, its a letter again


Next place you'll have to go now is your house. This time though, see all the baking supplies or ingredients

That's the hint


You drive back to your house. Unlocking the door then going inside, walking towards the kitchen, going through all your baking supplies and ingredients. You don't know where it is. Is it placed inside or just outside?

You just look at every last one of them until you look inside the measuring cup, there's a note... Maybe a letter?... Nope it's a note.

You read the note


Go to the mall and towards the ice cream shop you and I went, wait there until you see a guy with yellow hair in a jacket (also wearing glasses or something), the person will go towards you and will say "yuji", yes I know it's a name, but it might some in handy.

-Someone else with yuji

You weren't sure if you should follow the blunt instruction. It was written by someone else, but they seem to know who yuji is, so you follow it anyways. Anything just to know where yuji is, wanting to save him.

You went to the ice cream shop you and the used to be bitty yuji went. You waited there for a few hours until you saw a man with yellow hair and glasses and in a light yellow jacket. There's no doubt his a male, the man walks towards you and you didn't budge.

"Yuji" the man says, then looks at you, you nod, him making a hand gesture to let you know that you should follow him. And you did

You followed him outside somewhere no one sees, then you got hit by something hard and you slowly pass out...

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now