Is it just imagination?

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You couldn't sleep, so stand up and walk towards the window to look at the stars in Yujis room. You dont know why you couldn't sleep today.... or at least the past 2 days.

You've been seeing this weird creatures, they can be seen flying, clinging on people and they sometimes have, weird faces.... sometimes even non. They can have different sizes too, the one you saw first was pretty small, and theres a lot of eyes on it.

Yuji woke up, and notices you looking at the window, "hey.... is there something wrong?" He asks you. You shake your head before smiling softly to him, you lay down to your mattress.

Looking at Yuji again, he's asleep again. You guess he is tired from what he's been doing the whole entire day. While you were thinking , you didn't notice that you slowly drift to sleep.
You wake up... In a place full of red and bones. Looking around, you saw a person on top of the skulls. You couldn't see them well, and you were surprised when you see it walk towards you. Your eyes go wide as you see the person

It looks like Yuji, but there's... Tattoos?..... Oh... Right, Yuji introduced you to someone or a curse named Sukuna. You almost Forgot him.

"How did you get here mortal?" Sukuna asks you, confusion obvious in his face and voice. He just stares at you, waiting for an answer. "I....I don't know how I got here... I just went back to sleep" you tell him.

He looks like he didn't believe you but sighs and nods anyway. You and Sukuna were just staring at each other awkwardly, you spoke up to break the uncomfortable silence. "So uh.... What do you do here?" You ask him. He looks at you surprised before answering "nothing really, I just look look at Yujis eyes and I am able to see what he is seeing, or I can just annoy him through speaking in his mind".

You just nod, not knowing what to answer. "You seem tense, may I know why?" He asks you. You look at him with wide eyes, "u-uhm... Can Yuji hear us?" You ask him. He shakes his head. You sighs in relief "w-well... I've been seeing this... Things" you told him.

"Things?" He repeats. You nod "this.. things... Have different sizes, either clinging or flying around people. Some of them have faces, some of them don't, or they only have I part like a lot of eyes" you answer his question.

His eyes go wide from what you said, he put his hand on his mouth. You became nervous from his reaction. When he takes off his hand from his mouth, he's smiling.

"So you can see curses?" He said in a calm way. You look at him confused from his question. "Well, you described them, though not that much, the things you described are curses" he tells you. You think about it for a moment, thinking on how to it happened but nothing came to your mind.

"If you don't know why, there might be a reason on why they let you live with them" he said to you. You then think about it, a lot of questions go to your mind. Making you nervous the more you think about it.

You sit in the red bloody water, tears start streaming down your face.

Why were you invited to live with them?

Did they know something you didn't?

Did Yuji know about it?

Or he didn't?...

Is everything just an act?

Did everything they did an act just to get you to trust them?

"If your thinking that they were using you, that's a low chance. I doubt they would even try controlling you after taking care of the brat" he said to you. Patting your head lightly. You look at you hands, seeing that it's slowly fading.

"I see... So you got here by sleeping, when there's something bothering you... I guess your waking up now, goodbye mortal" he said to you.
You wake up... Looking around, noticing Yuji is still asleep. You go downstairs and see Gojo eating some sandwich. He asks if you want some, you nod.


A/N: sorry for not updating! Just a lot to do

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now