meeting more of them

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You and Yuji went downstairs after playing for a little while. He went to the kitchen to grab a few cookie to eat "Hey Y/N" he calls you. You look at him in confusion "do you have a curse?" He asks, "" You answer him. "Really?!" He asks loudly, making the people in the living room look at him for a bit. "Then how do you make the cupcakes and cookies so good?!" He asks loudly again. "I don't have any curse, I just use my own recipe" you answer him again.

"Your own recipe?" He asks, but this time not in a loud voice, you nod "i tried to make my own cookie recipe when I didn't know what to do. It took me at least.... 3 tries?" You said to him. "3 tries?" He ask a bit more, "it took me at least 3 tries in baking. I needed to finish all the cookies first before baking again" you told him.

His mouth made a shape of an 'O', then he nods, understanding what you meant. "Hmmm, you already met Nobara, Megumi, Panda, Gojo-Sensei... im going to introduce you to the others!" He thought before telling you. "Ok?" You answer. He grabs your arm, then leads you outside.

You and yuji made a right turn twice until you saw some kind of field. Now this makes you wonder how big the house is, you stopped thinking about it when you saw 2 people and the panda. Yuji leads you to them, he says hi to them first before introducing you to them.

"I think you already met me, but still, im panda" it says, "the boy next to memis Toge inumaki, you can just call him Inumaki" the panda added "salmon" inumaki says, making you confused.

"His curse is cursed speech" panda added again, you think about it a little then nodding. "Im maki" the girl next to inumaki introduced herself bluntly. "Hi...?" You said. "Alright, uh.... what are we gonna do now?" Yuji asks.

All of you guys think, panda speaks up "how about... lets go to the mall?, I wont be going since I wanna rest, but you and the others can go" it suggests. All of you guys nod, "alright!" Yuji says.

Yuji tells everyone in the household that all of them are going to the mall. After getting ready, all of people in the house including you, went there

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now