Yuji coming back

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Sukuna has been in control for 2 days now... You don't know if yuji coming back any more, that makes you worried. You don't know if yuji would even coming back.

You don't want him to be gone, sure his body is still here but the one who's in control of the body isn't yuji. Your afraid that he might not come back

Sukuna saw you sweatdropping, already knowing what your thinking about, "Do you not want me here mortal?" He asks, you look at him "W-What? N-no no, that's... Different from what I'm thinking... I'm just worried about yuji... He still isn't back.." you answer him, him nodding afterwards.

"You don't have to be scared, this is not what I was expecting at all too" he says, making you look at him confused, "I  thought you said this already happened before?" You reply, "yes this already happen before, but not this long... This only happened to us only for a few hours" he says

You believe him, after all you don't know what really happened to them.

Everything was going ok for a few hours, until Sukuna started trembling, you look at him "hey are you alright?" You ask him, he looks at you hesitantly, " No... I'm not ok... Everything hurts... I've never felt this much pain before..." He answers while shaking his head.

He falls to the ground while holding his head


Everything fucking hurts!

I've never felt this much pain! Pain never hurted me before!

It feel like having a bad headache

Everything went black for a moment until I woke up again... I'm inside my domain... Again

I sit up to the throne that is on top of the pile of skulls. I try to see through yujis eyes, it's all blurry until it went black to his vision.

I tried to form a mouth on his hand and talk to Y/N, good thing I managed to, "I'm back in my domain, if my guess is right, yuji is the one in control now" I said to them I forms my eye on yujis hand too, I saw their expression.

It was both afraid and confused, I don't even know if that would even be part as confusion, but mostly afraid.


What happened? It was all fine until Sukuna just started trembling and the tattoos started to fade away from the body. You thought they need to close their eyes to unform and form back, but no

You look at the body, a hand and eye started to form "I'm back in my domain, if my guess is right, yuji is the one in control now" the mouth said, that's probably Sukuna. You carry yuji to the sofa and place a blanket on him, you sit by his side and wait for him to wake up...

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now