a plan to let sukuna free from the vessel Yuji (1)

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You have been thinking... Is there a way for you to get sukuna out of Yuji's body?... There might be a way or not, but it won't hurt to try right?

You walk to Yuji, but you don't know where he is so you decided to find him, from his room, the kitchen, then outside, but no luck whatsoever, then you started to ask the others, you guess that you should ask Gojo sensei first because he might know, and by luck it's right

He told you that he is in the forest looking for somethings and he isn't that far, he might be on trees or something, so you walked back towards the forest, looking at every tree branch, bushes, and finally you saw him in front of a lake

He is just there... Sitting, looking down at the lake, you can hear him mumbling things... Is he talking to Sukuna or... Nevermind, you won't know unless you ask right?

You walk towards him, touching his shoulder, making him flinch and suddenly turn his head around to your direction, he seems to sigh in relief to see it's you...

"Hey... Are you ok?" You ask him while sitting next to him onto the grassy floor, he nods, smiling a bit "yeah.."

You can tell that he's lying, he's smile is slowly turning to a frown, but before it goes down, he puts the smile back up a again, a bead of sweat going down his forehead then to his cheek, he's hand fidgeting, his eyes locked on his hands, you don't know why, but there's something telling you that he is worried or something.... Why though?

You suddenly hear mumbling coming out of his mouth, you don't know what he's saying, but now you're really concerned on what's going on in his mind...

"Yuji... I know you're lying..." You tell him, making his eyes wide as he looks at you, then back onto his lap, his hands stopped fidgeting, his fake smile gone, "you're right... I'm not ok... I'm... Scared..." He says slowly, you pat him on the back then to his head...

"What are you worried about?" You say to him, "I'll tell you if you promise me you won't be surprised... Or... Something like that..." He says, unsure if he should say it or not, " I promise", you say to him with a gentle smile, making him a bit relieved...

"Alright... Sukuna wants to be free... From me.... Inside me..."
Wait what?

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now