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After you ate the sandwich Gojo made you. You just lay on the couch thinking on what sukuna said about the 'you can see curses' thing and 'why they let you live here'. You didn't think about it for a while, but when you did, the curiousity grew more.

Gojo sees you laying on the couch, deep in your thought. He calls your name a lot of times before you snap out of your thoughts, you look at him, smiling a bit. "Are you alright?" He asks you, you nod. "Are you sure?" He asks you again, "Yes" you said.

He didn't believe you but let it off the hook anyways. He respects your privacy and if you want to keep secrets, you can, but this time he's getting a feeling that there is something wrong with you.

"Can I sit here?" He asks you, patting the space next to your face. You nod, sitting up, he sits next to you after you did that. You look at him for a bit before looking away, going back to your thoughts. You almost fall asleep before he spoke up, " look like your deep in thought, can you tell me what your thinking?".

You look at him, "well... There are questions that have been bothering me..." You tell him hesitantly, he's still looking at you, "what're those questions? I might be able to answer some of them" he asks and tell you. You think about for a bit before nodding.

"Well... I've been seeing this things... Sukuna said they are curses..." You didn't care if you said Sukuna. Gojo looks at you, his smile disappears on his face a bit before it's there again. "So you're able to see curses?" He asks you, "well... Last 2-3 days ago... I start to see them, I didn't have this kind of thing when I was a kid" you answer him.

He nods, understanding your answer. "Wait... How did you talk to Sukuna, did he just form his lips in Yujis cheeks?" He asks you, shaking your head for no. "I... Kind of met him... In place?... I don't remember where" you said to him, lying. (Also in this story your good at keeping a straight face and act)

"Your answer is almost similar to Yujis...." he whispers to himself, but you still heard what he said. You decide to act like you didn't hear it. "So... What other questions do you have?" He asks you. Looking at him you hesitantly ask "why did you invite me to live here?" You ask him. "Well, because Yuji seems to be comfortable with you and you took care of him, I believe I said that... Or not... I don't know, but it's mostly a thank you for taking care of him and... Other things..." he answers you.

What did he mean by 'Other things'?, It's making you feel nervous, but you hope it isn't really showing or obvious to him. "I think that's all my questions..." You tell, saying thank you. He said it's no problem, and walks off to who knows where.

You lay on the couch again. You drifting off to sleep, not wanting to think about what he said earlier....

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now