a nightmare....

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I was in a forest, there where people surrounding me. All of them are wearing black clothes.... Well almost all of them..

One of the black clothes has a blindfold on his eyes causing the hair to stand up...

One of them is a boy with hair like porcupine? I don't know how to describe it...

There's a girl too, she has a brown hair, has a hammer and nail in hand.

A panda

A boy with white hair and has a line on the edge of the mouth, twirled at the end of it.

A green haired girl with glasses

A girl with black hair

A man with a muscular body

A also muscular man but with glasses, holding a needle and thread

A blue haired girl

A man with a long hair and a small one bun behind the head.

And a man with hospital clothes?... I can't help but... This makes me feel like we are related...

The only thing that bothers me is that they don't have any eyes. They have everything except the eyes...

Every single one of them looks so familiar...

Where did I see them before?

Do I know them?
Why can't I remember?
Who are they?
Are they my family?
Are they my friends?
My teachers?
Why can't I remember anything....?

Suddenly they all spoke

-where are you?
-Did you leave us?
- Why can't i find you?
-why aren't you helping us anymore?
-were you lying when you said we're friends

I couldn't help but cry because of those voices
I woke up
Y/N trying to wake me up. I couldn't help but look at her and hug her finger that was nudging me awake.

"Hey yuji are you alright? What happened?" You asked
"I'm fine I'm fine... Just a nightmare..." I answered, while wiping my tears.

"...do you wanna talk about it?" You asked, I shake my head "n-no need, I can handle it.." I smile softly to them.

They put their hand infront of me, I climb on and we head downstairs. They put me down to the kitchen table, and made a small chocolate milk and gave it to me. Even though it's a bit bigger than me, I think I can drink it all.

They comforted me all night until I fall asleep...

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now