getting to know each other more

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Bitty yuji POV:

After Y/N let me sleep, I woke up. I got down the board that they put on the bed to the floor, then  I go out of the bedroom. I walk around trying to find them. When I saw them in the kitchen, I ran towards them.

I tug the end of the pants a bit, they look around before looking down. "Oh, heya yuji" they said while putting their hand infront of me. I climb her hand and sit there. "Thanks for letting me sleep on your bed..." I said.

"It's no problem, you were probably tired" they said, while putting me down on the kitchen table. They put some bit sized food in front of me, they were a lot. I couldn't help but drool by the food they placed Infront of me.

"You can eat it, it's yours" they said, noticing how I look at the food.

I look at them, not sure if they are lying or not, but... Their eyes... They aren't filled with hate or disgust. Just pure concern and care. So I ate the food, happy that I get to eat something after what happened.

I looked at them, smiling a bit. They smiles back.

*Time skip*

After I finished eating the food. They took the plate and washed them, while I stare at them. Then... I heard a voice that sometimes annoys me. "- well well well, look at that, someone even took you in-" the voice said, "not now... I'm still not sure if the person would hurt us" I said in a whisper.

"- I can kill them easily, even in this small form-" the voice, also known as sukuna said. I rolled my eyes, knowing that it's somehow true and not true. Even though he's in a small form, he still has guts to kill a human, just because his a powerful curse.


As I finished washing the plate, you looked at yuji. "Hey, are you ok there?" you asked. He looks at you then nods "y-yeah i am" he answers. You didn't believe him but you didn't want to push any further. He seemed... Nervous, scared even.... "How about we take turns asking each other?" You asked, "sure".

"What's your full name?" You asked, "Yuji Itadori, how about yours?" He answered and asked. "Y/N L/N" you answered. We took turns in asking each other. Hearing his cute laugh made you smile, you laughed with him.

Turns out, he was abused and abandoned by his previous owner. They put him into a box and placed it on your doorstep. It made you both worried and mad. His tears were streaming down his face, so you decided to make a corny joke. He didn't get it at first, but he laughed while wiping off the tears. As you continued to make corny jokes, he did as well.

But.... You couldn't help like he is hiding something from you. You tried not to get curiousity get the best of you. You looked at the time and saw it was already 9 pm. You hear someone yawn, and looked at yuji. Already looking tired even though he just fell asleep 3 hours ago. You put him on your hand and went to the bed room.

You placed him on a pillow, putting a small handkerchief on top of him, to act like a blanket. You fell asleep next to the pillow he's sleeping in.

How are you going to school tomorrow if there's a bitty you would take care off?

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now