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You woke up the next day, stretching making some popping sounds come out of your back. You looked at yuji, he is still asleep.

You went downstairs and looked in the fridge, the food inside of it is almost gone. Good thing you have pancakes, so you decided to make pancakes, since its the last thing available to eat.

You went back to the bedroom to see if yuji is awake. As you look inside your room he was stretching. He noticed you peeking from the doorway and said goodmorning. You said goodmorning as well, also told him that you made pancakes and they are ready. His face lit up from the sound of food.

You put your hand infront of him and he immediately climbs on. You go to the kitchen and serve him a bitty sized pancake. He immediately took the food and ate it.

"Hey, yuji" you called, he looked up to you "yeah?" He said. "I'm planning on going to buy groceries, the fridge is almost empty, want to come with me?" you said, he thinks for a bit before agreeing.

After both of you finished, you gave yuji some clothes that you tried to make, while you wash the dishes.

*After a while*

You changed your clothes and went downstairs. You bring yuji downstairs earlier and told him to wait there. As you went down, yujis attention goes to you, smiling softly.

"Are you ready Yuji?" You asked him, he nods, and your hand is placed Infront of him, he climbs on it. You put him on your shoulder as he holds on tight.

You walked to the car with him on your shoulder. You sat on the driver's seat and you start the engine. You start to drive from the house to the mall. You went to the mall to buy some groceries.

You got to the place you wanted to go and started. You first got a push cart and started to go different aisles, you placed yuji on your shoulder, he looks around while you go to each aisle.

You went to the aisle full of candies, looking at Yuji and his eyes are stars. You went to the chocolates, and bough at least 2 packs of the ones you want. You looked at yuji again, seeing his eyes are pinned to the chocolate he wants.

You put your hand Infront of him. He looked at it trying to process what you did and climbs on. You put him to the chocolate his eyes are pinned on. He looks at you and smiles brightly, touching the chocolate he wants. You took it and put it to the push cart.

As you were shopping, you hear yuji yawn. "You can sleep if you want, and when you wake up, we might be at home already" you said with a smile. He nods and lays somewhere comfortable in your bag.

After a while of shopping

You got all of the groceries in the back seat of the car, you sat on the driver's seat and placed you bag with yuji inside of it on your lap.

As you were going home, yuji woke up, he looks around then looks at you. "Are we going home?" He asks, "yeah" you answered.

Time skip

You got in your house,carrying all of the boxes of groceries into the house. You place them on their rightful places.

After you finished, you rest on the couch, yuji already eating the chocolate he got, he gives you some and you gladly eat it a bit

Authors note: hello, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

If your wondering when sukuna is going to talk or show again, it might happen later or sooner. I don't really know.

My brain is fried and all but it doesn't stop me from creating stories!


A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now