baking and getting to know some of them

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You look at the people that are there in the same room with you and yuji. You hug yuji tighter, making him look at you then pat your head. "Don't worry, they're friends Y/N" he said to you. You still didn't let go.

"You don't have to be scared kiddo!" Said the blindfolded man, you didn't care and just kept on hugging yuji tightly, but not too tight.

"I don't think they'll let go of me for now" yuji chuckles after saying that. "How about we go to my room in this place for now?" Yuji looks at you. You nod as an answer to his question.

He then leads you to his room while you follow, the people from the living room just looking at both of you.

You enter his room, then he goes to his bed of the room, he pats the space next to him. You sit next to him, he looks at you then smile softly "you don't have to worry about them, I know them" he said, making you confused on what he meant by 'know them'

"Let me explain, basically when I was in your house, I have been getting visions or fragments of memories each time I look at the stuff we brought back from the used to be school" he tell you "and in the visions they are the people I saw" he added.

You look at him, not knowing how to react by what he said. He shakes you worried on what's happening "H-Hey, Y-Y/N your there?" He said while poking your head. You shake your head vigorously, then nod.

He sighs in relief,.

He was about to say something but got stopped when someone knocked on the door. He walks toward the door and opens it, only to reveal a.... Panda?

You stare at the panda and the panda gives a short look then back at yuji. "Hello yuji! I'm planning on baking some sweets, wanna come join me?" The panda offered, yuji looks at the panda with a bright smile.

When the panda said that, a mouth forms on yujis cheek "Invite Y/N to the cooking to I guess..." The mouth then disappears after saying that. "It seems like Sukuna took a liking of you Y/N" yuji says with the same smile. You blush slightly while looking away for a bit then look back at them.

"Well wanna come with us?" The panda asks, you nod then stand up from yujis bed. You walk towards them, following downstairs. The people from earlier are still there, looking at you again for a little bit before going back to what they were doing earlier.

"...what are we gonna bake?" You ask hesitantly, the panda looks at you "hmmm... I was thinking about making cupcakes and cookies" it answers. "Sukuna says that the cookies Y/N made where pretty good." Yuji says, making you blush a little more.

"How about... The cupcakes first?" You suggested, they nod and started getting the ingredients for the cupcake. When they finished getting them, you start making the mix, while they do the frostings.

*Time skip*

You, yuji, and the panda finished making the cupcakes. The three of you ate at least one each. The Cupcakes are pretty good! You finished yours, the two also finished their own. The two of them give the people in the living the cupcakes. All that left their mouths are compliments on how it's pretty good.

"Let’s do the cookies next!" Yuji said happily, you nod, following them to the kitchen again. They put some of the baking ingredients back to their proper places and left the necessary ingredients for the cookies.

You start to make the mix for the cookies, just waiting for the butter to melt.... you dont know why yuji is looking at it. The panda got some cookie cutters, and place it next to you. You look at it then nod, giving it a smile.

When the butter finished melting you put it in the mix. Yuji told you he can mix the cookie mix. You caught him getting a small piece of cookie mix and eat, but you didn't mention it, just smiling a bit.

He finishes to mix it, then you and yuji cut it in half, both of you flattening it to have use of the cookie cutters that the panda gave. You start to use them, yuji doing the same. The panda was getting the oven ready.

You and yuji finished making the cookies have shape. Yuji placed his on the first oven rack same goes for you. Both of you placed it in the oven then wait for it to bake.

*Time skip*

All the cookies finished baking, you're washing the dishes, while yuji and the panda gave the cookies to the people in the living room. One person comes to you, its Nanami. "The 2 told me that you were the one doing most of the work in baking.... is this your own cookie recipe?" He asks, "well not really, the recipe is given by my grandmother" you answer him.

He nods then goes back to the living room. Another person goes to you, the blindfolded one. "Heya, i dont think i introduced my self yet" he said, "My name is Satoru Gojo, but you can just call me Gojo" he added. You nod, "I must say, the cookies are so good!" He tells you, making you blush slightly again. "Thank you" you said.

"Can I have more?" He asks, you nod, letting him have more. He laughs happily then eats more. Yuji goes to you with 2 people, a girl and a boy. "Nobara and megumi meet Y/N, Y/N meet Nobara and Megumi!" He said, the 2 wave, you wave back. "Im Nobara Kugisaki, you can just call me Nobara, the boy next to me is Megumi Fushigiro, but you can just call him Megumi" the girl said named nobara introducing the person next to her.

"Nice to meet you, my name's Y/N L/N, but you can just call me Y/N" you said, "so your the person the yuji keeps on talking about?" Nobara asks, making yuji put his hand on her mouth "haha, you didnt hear anything about that!" He laughs awkwardly. "Oh yes, this brat wont stop talking about you" a mouth forms on his cheek, Sukuna. Making Yuji blush even more.

"Can you guys stop exposing me???" He asks, making the three of you laugh. "I have been worried about you, so i think about you everyday" you said, with a slight blush on your face. "Really!?" Yuji asks, you nod. Yuji hugs you a bit then stops.

You finish washing the dishes, drying your hands, "how about we play some video games for now Y/N?" He asks you, you nod then follow him to his room.

Both of you start to play, not noticing the blindfolded man taking a picture of you both....

A/N: sorry for the late chapter!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Pls corrrect my grammar mistakes

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now