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You and Gojo decided to start training after a few days from the conversation.

At the moment, Gojo is leading you somewhere far from the house, just walking...

you're getting tired, but you didn't complain about your legs hurting, other than the tiredness in your legs, your mind is mostly on what would happened if he, Gojo, wouldn't train you, just letting the curse get more stronger in you. Will your body explode? Or will it make you suffer in pain?

Gojo stopped in the middle of who knows where, making you confused, is this the place where you and Gojo would be training?

Gojo turns around "Alright Y/N, this is the place where both of us will train, and today is dodging" he says without much explanation, "I would be the one dodging, and also, there would be phases on how i can dodge you,

1st, I will be standing still not moving at all

2nd, i will not move an inch from where I'am, but my upper body will move

Then 3rd, I will be moving everywhere" he explains a bit, standing still.

"You may start in




You immediately attack him, when he said '3'

And he kept his word, he didn't move an inch, just still as a statue, so he got hit by you (readers, you can think of how he got hit, can be kick, punch, etc)

"Alright, the first one done, now, time for the second, try hitting me again" he says, then you do it again, you missed a bit, but you did feel his shoulder. "Alrighty! You managed to hit me a bit, but not really, so try again until you do correctly" he says, and you do as instructed.

A few minutes already passed, but your already tired... and it felt more like hours than minutes...

"Tired already?" Gojo says to you, "...Yeah" you say to him, panting heavily. "Well... since it's almost time for finishing this, we can continue tomorrow and have an early dismissal" he says, making you sigh in relief and happiness

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now