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Y...ey...y!.... HEY!

You wake up from someone slapping your face gently repeatedly, "what?" You groan, still tired from being woken up at... Wait... Its already afternoon?!

You completely forgot about an event today

What's the event?

Oh right, forgot

It's a picture for a welcome celebration!

For who?

Well... It's a late welcome celebration for you when you became part of the jujutsu household, and... Maybe Sukuna is now part of the house hold welcome celebration

There's also something you and the household found out about sukuna in the duplicate body, he can tune into his original size, when you say original size, you mean having 2 faces, 4 arms, etc

Megumi he is just talking with Yuji, mostly about curse's and stuff like that

Nobara is shopping on who knows where she goes to shop, maybe the mall, or other places that has fashionable clothes

Gojo and Nanami are just talking too

Making, toge, and panda are training outside, but they decided to rest for a bit just to get ready for the celebration

And then there's Sukuna, just watching the others do their things

Time skip

Its already night time, and it's time for the celebration, there's already food outside, every thing is planned out that is next by next events during the celebration

"Y/N!" You look the direction of the voice, while there's a drink on your hand, only to see Yuji running towards you then hugging you, making you spill some of your drink "Hey brat, stop hugging them, you just made spill their drink" Sukuna interferes, Yuji flinches after he hears that then starts to apologies repeatedly

"Its alright Yuji, don't worry, there's still more of it inside the fridge" you forgive him, he apologies one last time, before he tells you it's time to take a pic, you then nod and follow him, sukuna following as well

"Alright Y/N's here!" Maki tells the others as you just chuckle, Yuji then grabs your hand and drags you to the place where all of you guys can take a picture, all of you guys start to group into one, one of the tallest are at the back, while the other ones are sat on the ground

"Alright! Every one the count of 3 say cheese!" Gojo says with a huge smile on his face


As he says that, all of you guys said cheese, and there's a flash of white, at that, the picture is taken, and the picture is placed in the middle of the room

At that point of being part of the household, all the things that had happened, your finally living a peaceful life, coming back to highschool after a long few months, and of course for Mabel, she got kicked out of school as well

Your finally happy, and not only that, you have abilities to help other people!

When you do good things, those good things will always find its way back to you!


Thank you for reading this story
And I hope you enjoyed it !

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now