Strange dreams

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You went to sleep in you and Yujis bedroom after the whole entire busy day. You drift off to sleep easily from being tired.

*Inside you dream*

You woke up in a forest, looking around you see a man... And a woman?... Who are they?

You walk closer to them, and with one last step to them, they release an ear piercing scream. You block your ears from the scream they are doing. They go quiet after a few seconds... Maybe minutes. They didn't do any thing after that, and you continue walking towards them.

They look so familiar though...

You think about for a few seconds before it clicked

It was your parents...

(Ok... Sorry for not saying this in the authors note, but when you were a kid in this story. Your parents died, firs the mom then the dad. So you were taken care of  by your aunt and uncle.)

"Where so sorry... For leaving you.." your dad said, before walking towards you to hug you, your mom doing the same thing.

Tears start forming in your eyes, and you hug them back. They look at you and wipe your tears. "Haha... You missed us didn't you?" They said to you and you nod. They look at each other and nod before turning back to you "We forgot to tell you something..." They said to you. You look at them in confusion.

"When you were a kid... There was something that fell to your head when you were a kid. A kind of liquid" they said to you while staring at you. Your still confused. They open their mouth to speak...
"You aren't a normal human"

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now