going back to normal

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I woke up from another nightmare, i couldnt handle it, the scenes they are all familiar, but i cant remember any of them

You looked at me worried, there was... black smoke covering my body... no.... black AND blue smoke...

All of the nightmares i had and now are going in my mind, i screamed, you tried to help me but some force made you go back, you tried to go towards me again, but it happened again, a force that made you go back, flinging you to the wall.

I know it hurts because of the bone cracking, but i couldnt move, i could only scream because of the apin forming everywhere in my body, then...
...theres light

All of it became white, suddenly there are people infront of me

The one with the blindfold

The porcupine kind of hair man

A brown haired girl

A man with glasses

A panda

The mouth with a mark

Blue hair, Green hair and black hair girls

The Muscular man

And an old man...

The only difference is, I can now see their, except for the glasses and blindfold man

Suddenly, names started forming on top them, each name, gives me some kind of.... memory? Or images.... maybe videos?

But.... those fragments made me remember how i first met them, what we have gone through, and what happened to me.
What happened was, I was hit with some kind of cursed technique that caused me to forget and become small.... like a bitty.

After while




I woke up slowly, looking around before i saw myself laying in bed... that was not huge.... I look around a bit more, noticing you with a worried face, I sat up, and ran towards you.

Both you and I fell, me hovering above you while you are below me, my face became red as a tomato then got off you. You sat up and look at. Chuckling softly you pat my head

I couldnt help but touch your hand and place it on my head again, the warmth its radiating feels so nice its a bit soft as well.

I look at you "what... happened?" I ask, "i dont really know, i just woke up from being passed out a bit earlier than you, but when i looked at you, you were... in a human form, I was suprised,  i checked your pulse just to make sure your alive and good thing you are" you said, calmly, "I also tried my best to carry you to bed, i couldnt help but have a hard time, because of how big you are now" you added.

I nod, you asked what happened, "well, i remember everything now... the picture that I told you that looks familiar, it turns out I used to go to that place.

I look down at my self and walk towards the mirror, I examine my body

Pink hair - check

The almost like scar under my eyes - check

My favourite shirt - .... nope not here, im wearing different clothes.

I looked around and saw a small ripped shirt, with my favourite design on it, my eyes tear up a bit making you worried, but you understood why i was tearing up because of the small shirt im holding in my hands. " you dont have to worry about it, theres a human size of the shirt" you said, trying to cheer me up.

It did cheer me up. I look at you and hug you tightly, you hugging me back. "Im so glad that i can remember everything now! And now im actually in a human form again!" I said.

You chuckle again, I do the same...


Authors note: heya um, sorry if there are grammar mistakes in the story

Pls correct me

Like i said in the past chapters or some chapters
English is not my main language

I hope you enjoyed reading!

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now