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Both you and yuji are staring at the computer in your room. You went through images in Google about the places that humans turn into bitties.

You clicked on a picture by accident, it looks like a school.

"That place looks familiar..." You look at yuji after what he just said. "It does?" You ask, "yeah... I don't know, but it just looks so familiar, it makes me feel like I've been there before...." He answered still looking at the screen.

"Anything else that makes you feel like you're familiar with the place?" You ask, "I don't know... There's an image in my mind... It shows.... 5 or more people? I think...." He thinks about it, hand holding his chin. He does that pose when he thinks, like the ones from what we watch at night sometimes.

Those guesses make you think that yuji......... is one of those HBs.

You didn't really think much but it's just a guess of yours as well, you can't really be sure if he really is one of them.

"Hey Y/N!!" Yuji called, snapping you out of your trance, "yeah?" You answered, "you were just staring at the screen for a few minutes, are you alright?"he ask, "I'm fine, I promise" you answered.

His face is still full of worry but decided to let it off the hook. He didn't really believe you were alright, but it's just to not make you uncomfortable.

You both continued to browse through the internet, after a while, you both watch a movie and went to bed.

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now