start of the trip

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You and Yuji woke up early to start the trip going to 'jujutsu highschool of sorcery', you packed the food and supplies you need, yuji does the same. You start the car and put the stuff inside the car. You added some things that might be needed for the trip.

Yuji is the first one that went to the car and sat next to the driver's seat, your the one who sat on the driver's seat, you first check if you got all the stuff, then you start to drive after that.

*Time skip*

Both of you are inside of some kind of forest, then soon enough, you saw some broken planks on the grass. You stopped the car and got out, Yuji looks at you in confusion, he got out of the car as well, curious on why you got out.

You looked everywhere, going inside of the car again, yuji doing the same. You start to drive towards the place where there are broken planks everywhere, until you saw a pile of them.

Both you and yuji got out of the car, examining the pile of broken wood. You looked at the screenshot you have about the picture. You looked between the image and the pile of broken planks.

"...the building... It's broken... But.. how.. why?..." You asked yourself in a whisper, Yuji looks at you then pats your back. You look back at him "do you remember this being broken?" You ask him, "as far as I can remember, no... There was only a few broken parts, sure, but... That much damage?... No" he answered, still looking at the pile.

"How about we check the pile and let's see what we can find" you suggest, him nodding. Both of you went to separate ways. You checked the right from where you guys were standing, and he goes to the left.

You found a hammer and a nail, you took it with you. The only thing weird is... It's radiating something... You don't know what it is, but it radiating something, it's not warmth, its something different from warmth.

You looked around more, and you saw some glasses and a needle with a thread... You looked around a bit more and you saw a cute stuffed animal. you took it with you as well.

You looked around a bit more and you found nothing, you try to find more again, and failed. You went back to the car, which is almost empty because of how you guys are hungry during the trip

You put it inside a bag, you notice you yuji coming back. Waving at you "hey I'm back!" He said, you said hi. "There's a lot of stuff on my side, not gonna lie" he added. "Can you uhm... Help me with it?" He asked, you nod and follow him to his side.

You look around at his side seeing a gun, you tried to shoot something to make sure it doesn't have any kind of ammo. Good thing it doesn't as you press on the trigger again and again

You took it with you and looked around a bit more. That's all you saw, you look at yuji. His face full of terror, you look at what he saw and there's no doubt your face turned into like his.

There was blood around the place where he placed all of the broken planks aside. You couldn't believe it. You look at yuji his face is still full of terror. You slap his face lightly against and again until he realizes what's happening

"What... Happened here... Did.. everyone die?.... Am I dead?..." He questions himself or at least you think his questioning himself. You took him with you, dragging him to the car.

You give him some food, trying to make him eat it. But he doesn't, suddenly a mouth forms on his cheek, an eye opening under his eye. There's no doubt that's sukuna.

"Well, well, well, it seems like there was some kind of fight here" sukuna says, you nod since you don't exactly know what happened. You look at yuji again.

You pay his head, trying to calm him down. You told him to sleep and he nods, and tries to sleep. He falls asleep eventually. You start the engine, sukuna still looking at you.

After a while, his mouth is not there any more, the eye under yuji closed again. You drove off of the place, going back home.

*Time skip*

You poke yuji in attempt to wake him up, he wakes up and notices where already home. You got out of the car and unlock the door from the house. You get the stuff you guys get to collect from the pile earlier, yuji helping while eyeing the stuff.

You placed it on the sofa first, yuji doing the same.

You look at each other and back to the stuff....

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now