hanging out with them in the mall (1)

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You and the household people went to the mall, Yuji made a list on what you and them can do together. Yuji likes the idea of going to the mall, so he listed some things you and them can do, first was shopping, going to arcade, going to the cinema, and maybe take some pictures together.

All of you guys went to the cinema first, everyone voted to watch a horror movie. You all went to the seats, then sat on them. The movie still isn't starting so Gojo decided to take a selfie with all of you. All of the lights turn off after Gojo took the pic.

It shows the rules when and while watching the movie. All of them and you of course knew what shouldnt be done while watching a movie, it might cause disturbance to the other people watching.

The movie starts, everything was peaceful from the start before everything starts to go dark little by little. You weren't scared much while watching the horror movie, you sometimes have a hobby of watching horror movies while at night.

Yuji was clinging on your arm tightly, as if its the last thing he was going to hold during the movie. You pat his head, making him look at you before smiling a bit, "why did we agree on watching horror movies again??????" He asks you in a whisper. "Because it has a bigger vote" you answer him.

"Oh.... right... hahahaaaa....." He laughs softly. You look around, you saw Megumi not being too scared as well, while Nobara (she's next to Megumi) is trembling from the scenes with blood.

Gojo and Nanami are next to each other. Gojo is hugging Namami, while Nanami doesn't stop him, he's just sweatdropping. Maki and Inumaki are a bit calm, maki is just smiling a bit, while inumaki is just watching the movie with wide eyes, he's hugging maki's arm, just like what Yuji is doing.

While watching the movie, there was a jumpscare, causing Gojo and Nobara to scream a bit. Making you flinch, yuji just hugged you hand a bit tighter when the jumpscare came. Maki, inumaki, Megumi and Nanami didnt do much they just flinched too.

At the end of the movie, it had a clip on what would happen on the next part. And the clip was full of blood, weapons and dead people. The person who isnt dead turned around to look at the screen, before giving a smile then a sudden loud jumpscare.

Everyone screamed in the room. You, Nanami, Inumaki, Maki, and Megumi just jump a bit from your seat, but didn't scream.

Everyone left the cinema, you looked at everyones faces, Nobara looked like she saw a ghost, Gojo is trembling violently, Yuji is still clinging on your arm, his eyes still wide after the movie. "I wont have a good night sleep tonight" yuji says, Nobara and Gojo agree with him.

You chuckle a bit, patting Yujis head a bit "oh come on, it wasn't that scary" you say to him, yuji looks at you in suprise "how is that not scary????, it was all blood and dead people, theres even jumpscares!" He said to you, "well... I'm kind of used to jumpscares and scary things, since I watch creepy things at night" you said to him.

"....Y/N.... How can you even sleep at night???" He asks you, you just shrug, not knowing how to answer. He just stares at you before looking at Gojo and Nanami. Gojo is visibly shaking, he's still smiling though, so it's fine. Nanami on the other hand is just looking neutral, he isn't doing anything, not shaking or anything. Just neutral.

While Megumi and Nobara are just stuck together. Nobara isn't letting go of megumi's arm, while Megumi isn't doing any thing, he's face is like Nanami's, Neutral.

You look at maki and Inumaki, they aren't scared much, instead they're laughing.

"H-How about we go shopping next??" Nobara suggested, her eyes are still a bit wide from the horror movie she just watched. Everyone agrees on the suggestion, you included.

You and the others head towards where the clothes are....

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now