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In the next day after the 1st day of training with Gojo is making you tired again, it's like school...

You come out the house, seeing Gojo already waiting and gesturing you to come with him, and you do, following him into the place where both of you trained yesterday.

"You ready for the second phase again?" He asks and you answer to him by saying yes. "Great, then start attacking" he says again, and you follow his command, attacking him. He just dodges them without my moving from a spot, the upper body is the only thing moving.

Each time you're attacking, you can see him go to slow motion for a few seconds, while your still in your normal speed, making you confused, is this supposed to happen?

You continue to attack him until you're starting to lose confidence.

Gojo seems to have noticed this because he tells you to stop attacking for a moment and have a break, so you did as told, stopped attacking and just falling back to the grassy floor.

"You know... It's alright, even though you can't hit me properly for now, you will in the future, because you're a fast learner, and in my guess, you're also great at adapting to things Y/N" he says to you, trying to make you feel better, and it did, so you thank him for his encouraging words...

"Now, try attacking me again" he says while standing up and going to his usual spot, you get yourself ready for attacking, after counting from 1 - 5, you sprint towards him, and it happened again, everything turned slow...

You are at your usual speed in sprinting, but all of the things are much more slower than usual, and you can see the birds slowly flapping their wings, the leaves moving slowly because of air.

And before you know it, you're already in front of Gojo, still smiling...

You kick him on the chest, knowing it would hurt him, but since it's training and he even told you not to hold back -

(Sorry if I didn't put that in the story, him telling you not to hold back is in the paper of schedules)

After kicking him on the chest, he flew backwards to the trees, you can see how fast he is always hitting on the trees on the way.

"You did very well!" he shouted through who knows where, "Can you help me get out of the hole in the ground?!" He shouted again, so you ran towards all the broken pile of trees, and everything turned slow again, but this time, you didn't care, it might be part of your ability...

You help Gojo get up from the hole, and he starts to congratulate you from getting pass the second the phase of the test. You thank him for giving you confidence.

Sorry that I haven't been updating, I hope you enjoyed reading this even though it's short T-T

Any ways, thank you, and have a good day/night!

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now