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Your eyes go wide again as they said that...
What did they mean by 'not a normal human'?
You shake your head from the question. Your dead parents look at you, not being able to read their reaction from what they just said. "Yes... You heard us right, you are not a normal human Y/N" the two of them repeat.

"W-what do you guys mean I'm not a normal human?" You ask them. "You.. have things... Things no normal human have as you already know" your mom said to you, "S-So... What am I really?" You ask them again. "Well... We don't really know how to explain it, but me and your dad thought of how and... This is our only way of explaining" you mom said again, you dad nodding from behind her.

You mom touched your left hand and your dad touched the right. They close your eyes and told you to do the same. Light suddenly shines from your palms and went to your nerves to your head. And every thing went black...


You were just there falling in the abyss, suddenly an image appears in from of you and starts to play.

The video shows, Your parents coming out of the hospital then into the car. They start the engine and drive back to the house. Then there's a fast forward, they are on the road trees in each side. Everything was so peaceful until there's a beam of light Infront of the the car, causing my parents to use the brake and stop.

A man... No... A somehow human but also alien?... What is that?

"Heh.. heheh.. heh, Well well well, two adult humans and one baby~" it said, before walking closer to them. Then it started to sprint towards your parents.

You try to scream but nothing happens.

Suddenly it explodes, you try to look around to see who did that, but you only saw a man.. a shadow of a man?

You look at your parents and saw your dad having trouble. You examine his body and saw his hand having something black surrounding it. You then realize the black shadow figure is like a shadow of your dad, so...is that one of your dad's... Ability?

Or something like that....

You decided to watch more on what might happen.

If you understand it right, the black shadow figure is the one that made the thing explode, how did it make it explode? You don't know, and you might find out if you watch more of it.

But... It ended there... No more

*End of memory*

You open your eyes, looking around ten to your parents. "We're running out of time... Your already fading in this dream... It means your already waking up, until we meet again " they wave at you before you fully disappear in the dream

*End of dream*

You wake up, looking around. The sun already shining from the window...

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now