letting him free

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You do as what you ghost dad told you

You, Yuji and the others are outside, Gojo already told them what would happen today and right now

Yuji is already sweating from the nervousness and fear on what's happening, you can tell and see that he's visibly shaking, so you walk towards him and pat his head to try and comfort him a bit, and good thing it did because his shaking lessened after patting his head.

"Well, shall we start Y/N?" You look to the direction of the voice, only to see panda, you nod and hold Yuji's hand, you then start walking to the spot where you would be doing this, while Yuji follows you

"Yuji, lay on the floor, then I can start" you tell him and he follows, he lays on the mat you placed on the floor, you then sits next to him and place your hand on his head, then you did as you were told before...

Your hand slowly glows and a duplicate of Yuji's body forms under it, the same size and face, but the mind and personality isn't there, there's also no soul or spirit inside it

And you did the seconds step, transferring Sukuna's spirit into the duplicate, your hand glows again...

You're letting your hand do it's best... Its curse...

Sukuna's spirit is now inside of the duplicate, the body doesn't move at all instead, tattoos start to appear, though his eyes didn't open

"How about some of you guys can stay here while I can wait here until he wakes up" you suggested, they all got worried and refused to go, but you still tell them that you would be alright, after a few more convincing they decided to let you be until he wakes up

Yoji on the other hand, stayed, because he... Is clinging on your legs, while begging, so you let him stay

You and Yuji talk for a while...
Its already been a few hours... Yet... This guy just won't wake up...

"Its already been... Like... A few fricking hours!" He yelled frustrated and bored... And tired

You think for a moment before walking towards the duplicate body, Yuji just looks at you before following you

You shake the body, then slapped it, so... That's what woke him up

"Ugh... There is no need to slap me to wake me up..." The voice... The way of talking, there's no way no one cant be familiar to the one and only Sukuna, the extra on the side of each of the 2 eyes, is blinking as well, it made you feel a bit... Weird... And surprised, but you'll get used to it someday

After a bit of talking on how he felt, what is he feeling, etc etc, you and the other 2 decided to go back to the house

All of the household people's eyes immediately looked at you and the other 2, they started to run towards you and ask if you were ok, then they look at Sukuna, he grins and chuckles "don't worry... I keep my promises"

He then explains to them why, and answer all of their questions...

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now