hm? (2)

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Nanami POV:

Y/N's been visibly shaking while i was talking to them, I wonder what's bothering them to make them like this? Do they know about.... No... There's no chance that they know about it...

But... what if they do?

I shake my head as I try to stop myself in thinking that question. I look around before going to my room, closing the door behind me, I walk to my bed and lay there for a few seconds...

Seconds turn into minutes....

Minutes turn into hours..

I can't sleep at all... Maybe because of the question that came to my mind earlier... I groan in frustration, not being able to sleep, I stand up from my bed and go out of my room.

I make myself a cup of coffee, and I drink some of it. I look around, seeing no one, I walk to the couch and open the tv, I didn't put it in full volume so that I won't wake the others...

I hear foot steps go down the stairs and I look at the person who came down. Oh, it's Y/N, why are they up this late at night? "Hey, Y/N why are you up so late? It's already past 12...?" I ask them, they look at me surprised.

"O-oh... I just heard some noises downstairs so I decided to go check..." They said before yawning. I guess they're still tired, I think while sighing softly.

"I think it's best that you try to sleep now" I say to them calmly, Y/N looks at me before going down to the stairs further. They walk towards me and sit beside me on the couch.

"I... I got a question.." they say hesitantly, I look at them, "What's your question?" I reply. "Well.... I've been thinking about this question a lot... but... why did you let me live here?" They ask me, I tried to make my face stay neutral when I heard the question.

Isn't it obvious?
We let you live here because you helped Yuji...


I can't let you know that we took you in for any there reason...

"We let you live here with us because you helped Yuji retrieve his memories of us" I said bluntly, taking a sip of my coffee. "Oh... The same reason, Gojo said..." They said. I look at them, before nodding.

Good thing Gojo didn't say anything else other than that.

I look at the time and it's already 1:40 am, already very early in the morning.

"It's already past 1 Y/N, you should definitely go to sleep now" I say to them and they nod as an answer. They walk up stairs and back to Yuji's bedroom.

I can't believe this...

We can just tell them and see they're reaction about the information that they don't know about them self...

I sigh and finish my coffee, then go back upstairs to my bedroom, and successfully got to sleep this time....

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