where is he?

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You woke up when you heard something broke. You look around ten went downstairs, "Yuji?" You call out, no one answers. "Yuji I swear, if your trying to scare me, stop it" you say. Not one sound is made. "This isn't funny yuji!" You look around in panic, trying to him.

You look everywhere, the bathroom, outside, rechecking the bedroom and look under the bed of yours, the guest room, everywhere, but no luck...

You saw where the sound was from... A window was broken, a window next to the sofa, where yuji sleeps...

You couldn't take it anymore, so you decided to look for him running everywhere the neighborhood, trying not to wake the neighbors up. Trying to not get caught by the night officers.

After a few hours, there's still no luck... You went back to your house, and went upstairs to your bedroom, crying on your bed until you fall asleep.

The next day, your still trying to find him everywhere

The used to be jujutsu highschool of sorcery'

You still couldn't find him after a few hours, you became tired because of trying to find yuji. "Yuji... Where are you...?" You whisper to yourself, slowly crying again...

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now