Small talk or Big talk?

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You look at Gojo with surprise, even with his small gentle smile he's giving is making you nervous...

He walks towards you a bit more before leaning to your ear "meet me outside, after you recover yourself", he whispers to you before walking away to your unconscious friend in Megumi's room.

Your body stood still, didn't move an inch, but you snap back to reality after Maki called you "Are you ok?" She asks, gently touching your shoulder and carressing it... You nod before saying you are alright, she nods as well letting go of your shoulder. Walking to Yujis room since that's the place he put your stuff.

You go to your bag that is placed on your mattress... well, the mattress given to you by Yuji...

You open your bag, to get your aid kit, trying to make the healing proccess faster, but when you looked to the place where there's a bruise... it's gone, you go to the bathroom in Yuji's room, looking at the mirror, only to see yourself with no scars.

You take your clothes off, placing them on top of a shelf in the bathroom, you're now inside of the bathroom naked, while looking at yourself with surprise, turning left and right to see if there's a single scar or bruise on you, but there's non...

You shake your head to snap back to reality, you put on new clothes...

You walk out of the room, then outside, looking around to find Gojo sitting under a tree, he pats an empty space next to him, you sit there.

"Heh, did you notice just now? The scars I mean, they were fading away when you got here with Yuji" He says to you, smiling a bit, you think that he's looking at you behind the blindfold, bit you decided to ignore that thought

"So... You now know you're not human" he says, looking at you for a bit before back to the sky again, " Yeah, now... Why did you REALLY let me live here?" You ask him, not moving at all. He chuckles a bit quietly "Well the real reason is because of your power" he says, placing a glove on his lap and start to cut it up, throwing the palm, but kept the fingers.

"Yuji can heal himself with the curse from Sukuna, I'm sure of it, you see Yuji wasn't born with a curse, instead he ate one of Sukunas fingers, now... his Sukunas vessel" he explains a bit, getting one glove finger out of the group.

"There's a total of 20 fingers of Sukuna, since his true form has 4 arms, 2 faces, and a tall muscular body, I'm not sure if there's anymore, and of course the obvious, tattoos all over his body"

"But you're different, you were born half curse, half human, and to answer your question again, it is because of your power, yes, but because we also want to train you, it might come out suddenly and you don't know what would happen if you have no idea how to control it" he said, you look at him with your mouth shaped like an 'O'

All of that nervousness and fear are for nothing, well... almost...

"I guess I was nervous and scared for nothing" you said, sighing quietly next to him. "Not really for nothing, I noticed that you were being hesitant and always looking around things when you and the others go outside, also don't ask how I know that" he said with a small smile, before patting your head.

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now