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You go downstairs to eat something, deciding on eating sandwich, you make one for yourself. "I see your already up", you flinch from the voice and turn around, only to see Nanami. "Y-Yeah..." You reply back to him, he stares at you for moment before walking towards you "Your shaking, are you cold?" He asks. You shake your head, looking at your hands, and see it's actually shaking.

"N-No..." You answer him, "then why are you shaking?" He asks again, walking towards you a bit more, you shake your head, stepping back a bit. "I-I can't tell..." You said to him, making him confused, "What do you mean you can't tell?" He asks.

"I-I just... Can't alright?" You said to him looking down to the floor, he remains silent and just sighs, "fine..." He says to you before walking to who knows where.

You make yourself a cup of coffee and drink it while thinking about what your dead parents mean...


A/N: hello, sorry for the short chapter, I haven't been motivated lately so uhm... Yeah

But still I hope you enjoyed it even though it's a short one!

Have a good day/night!

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