hanging out with them in the mall (3)

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You and the others went inside the arcade, everyone looking at every game inside the place. You and get group went to the trading counter (idk what it's called) and traded the 200 Money into a card.

Each of of the group has a card. Some in the group parted some paired up. You and Yuji paired up, while Gojo and Nanami paired, the others seperated to play their own games.

You and Yuji are now playing a claw machine, he saw a small dog stuff toy and he wants it, his spending every thing from his card just to get it. He almost lost hope when you said you'll try to get it for him. He smiles brightly to you, you smile back, getting the handle to move the claw.

After 5 swipes of card you finally got the stuff toy and give it to Yuji. He hugs it tightly then you, "thanks Y/N!" He says to you, you said it's no problem, besides it's worth it to see him happy.

You and Yuji walk around to find a game to play and you saw a pac man game, you walk towards it, Yuji following you. You sat on the seat, swiping the card the words in bigger size 'GAME START' you press the button, the countdown started ten you start to play.

You used to like the game pac man but forgot about it when elementary school started, about... Grade 4 or 5. You start to play the game, still playing, not losing. Until you got hit by the ghost, you sigh and the ticket came out of the machine. You take it, and look at Yuji, giving the tickets to him.

"Why are you giving me this?" He asks you In confusion, "I dont know, I just want to givenit to you, that's all" you said to him. He's still confused but nods anyway, You and Yuji hear someone walking towards you

You look at the person with wide eyes
Mabel is in the arcade.....

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now