talking to Yuji about this..

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You try to find Yuji the next day, finding him playing some games his phone on the couch. You walk towards him and sit next to him, peeking on what he's playing. He looks at you for a bit before continuing. Hes playing minecraft, and it seems like he's aboutnto beat the ender dragon, and when he did, he jumps up, screaming of join.

You laugh from his reaction, slowly calming down, and when you look at him, he is looking at you still smiling. You look at him for a bit, before standing up and grab his hand, dragging him to his room.

He looks at you with confusion, but doesn't ask.

When you stopped walking, you turning around to face him. "I have something to ask you..." you tell him, he just continues to stare at you, probably to listen...

"So uhm... did... do you know why they took me in?" You ask him. He puts his hand on his chin, "well... probably because of.. like... i dont know... like an invitation to live here? But that is already " he says to you.

"Well... yeah, i guess...." you say to him, he then asks what's wrong. "I-I... I've just been thinking about something... something that makes me think that Im not human...." you answer him..

"Like what?" He asks you in full curiousity...

You think about all the weird things that have been happening to you, or.. at least the things that you know...

"Well... other than, seeing the so called 'curses'... I've been seeing my dead parents and things that I feel like something is there, it isn't.. I dont know how to say that..." you say to him, looking at the floor.

"I dont why you can see curses, but... seeing the dead??? H-How... how can that be possioble though?" He asks, either himself or you. "I dont know... it just happened days or weeks ago..." You say to him, not knowing what to answer...

"W-Well... I can't blame or judge you for something that you don't know why it happens..." he says to you. There was awkward silence between you both for a few minutes before you spoke up.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldnt have said any thing..." you said to him, before standing up, you try to walk away but he grabs your arm and hug you, tightly. You process what happened before hugging him back

You guys stayed like that for a few hours, with him saying comforting things to you.

"Hey... you dont have to be scared, you can't help it, and... that doesnt make you a bad person, just because you can see the dead and curses, you helped me get my memories back, and I will be forever thankful about it" he says to you, while stroking your hair...

You thank him, hugging him a bit more, before letting go. "We should probably get out of my room, before someone becomes worried or something" he says while chuckling, you do the same, before nodding and going out of the room with him...
A/N: sorry that it's rushed and short, I've been losing motivation recently T-T

But still, I hope that you enjoyed it!
Have a good day/night!

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now