an unexpected meeting with your bully

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You look at Mabel with wide eyes, she does the same before running towards you. You didn't get to dodge because of your slow reaction time, so she manage to grab you and hold on your neck, Yuji stays silent, his eyes wide from the scene in front of him. He suddenly runs away fast

"Awww, I guess nobody wants to be your friend after all~" Mabel tell you, you didn't say anything back and kept silent. Suddenly, footsteps are heard, You look at where the sound is and saw Gojo, Nanami, Yuji and Maki walking towards both you and Mabel.

Mabels eyes are wide, her blush becoming visible each second. She drops you, running towards Gojo "heya hottie~" she said in a flirty tone, making you cringe. "Dont mind on what you saw me do, hang out with me some time~" her hands were about to touch Gojo's face, he stops her hand, making Mabel blush even more.

"I would cutie, but.... i can't let you go off the hook from what you did to Y/N" He says to her, Mabels eyes widen from his words, "They deserve it" She says to him "After all, she got my friend expelled from school" she added. Gojo looks at you "is that true?" He asks you, while walking to you

You didn't walk away, instead you didn't budge. You look at him "Yes, but I have a reason" you said to him. "What's that reason?" He asks you, still smiling. "The friend she had was my ex. A frickin cheater and manipulator" you said to him "that ex of mine used me for money so that he/she can buy cigarettes" you added. He nods from what you said. "And... They also hurt Yuji when he was a bitty" you added again.

"....What?" He asks you, you nod. He then looks at Mabel, her eyes are wide and she started sweatdropping. "Liar! The bitty wasn't with you, so it isn't yours!" She defends. Yuji walked up to both of you. Her eyes wide from what she's seeing.

"Nope, everything Y/N said is true" Yuji said to her. Your pretty happy that he's defending you. You look at Gojo, his smile gone, just neutral. He walks toward Mabel and leaning down to her. Mabel smiled at you before looking back at Gojo, thinking she won. Gojo then grabs her neck then starts to choke her.

"W-What are you doing?!" She asks him, "You didn't tell the reason On why their ex got expelled. I won't believe someone who only gives half of the information" he says to her. You look at Yuji whispering to his ear a thank you. He nods hugging you, you hug him back.

Mabel walked away because of what happened, Gojo looks at you with a smile again, walking towards you to give a head pat, you smile to him, making him blush slightly. Yuji walked to Nobara during this

*Time skip*

Nobara didn't have much tickets but some of the pairs of individuals gave some to her, managing to buy her the stuff toy she wanted.

Megumi didn't really want a stuff toy, he just played sometimes with Yuji, sometimes with himself only.

Gojo gave Nanami a stuff toy with glasses, Nanami took it and thanked Gojo for it, Gojo has the same one.

Yuji got the stuff toy you gave him, hugging it tightly.

Maki and Inumaki has a lot of tickets but decided to keep it in the card, to buy the toy that requires 16,000 ticket.

After all doing all those things, all of you guy went back home....

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now