making a promise to the king of Curses

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After hearing those words leave his mouth, it sent shivers down your spine, you step back a bit, while he just stayed still, just... Smiling

"Oh? Are you a f r a i d ?" He said, while putting one of his hand on his mouth to laugh softly, but creepily...

You shake your head, " no... You just surprised me, that's all, and making me feel scared and joking around isn't why I came here" you tell him, standing still, he looks a t you with a face of amusement, "oh? Let's hear it" he says as he grabs on to you and teleports both of you on top of the mountains of skulls

"What is it that you want to talk about mortal?" He says as he sits on his throne, you sit next to his throne "like I said... Its about you getting free, and I already asked Gojo about it" you answer him

"Did he agree?" He says while his smile widens, you shake your head and his smile turns into a frown before sighing "that is to be expected... I'm not even surprised on why he would say no" he says before sighing again, "he didn't... Exactly said no..." You say to him, while he looks at you with a confused expression

"What do you mean?" He asks, "he only told me you might kill people because you, after all, the king of Curses" you tell him, he chuckles from your answer

"Even though I am what they say as the 'King of Curses', that doesn't mean that I can't supress my blood lust" he says, "fine... How about this... We can make a promise, it is worth it to become free" he says, you look at him surprised

"but... There's a chance you might break it" you tell him unsure if you can accept it, "a promise can't be broken by a curse, if the curse breaks their promise, they would die, even I would die if I broke it, but I won't if the one that wanted to make that promise is a human, and will agree to break it if they allow the curse's wish to break it" he tells you, while pointing at him, then down...

There's a part of you that tell you to believe him, so you did, believing what he said

"Fine... But you better keep your promise" you tell him seriously, you believe him because what your mind is trying to say to you, but there's a also a part where you don't because he's the one that mentioned it first, he chuckles and nods "of course mortal"

"Then... Can you promise me that you won't kill any one who is innocent unless it's a curse?" You ask him looking at him, still serious, "yes, I will, but you have to promise me something as well" he says to you, and ask what it is

"You... Have to... Let me sleep in Yuji's room" he says bluntly

There's awkward silence after he said that

"Is... That all?" You ask, and he nods and says that's all

"Fine... Then, I promise to let you sleep inside of Yuji's room, but you can't when he tells you not to" you say to him, he shrugs "I can do that" he says, before bringing his hand out for a handshake, then you shake his hand

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now