Accidental use that led to him being saved

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You and Yuji are on your way to the forest, the place where the old highschool was. Yujis told you to try punching the tree, and you did as told, but it made your fist hurt after you did it. He walks towards you "O-oh s-sorry, I-I forgot that you still haven't known how to control it, haha" he chuckles nervously after telling you.

He looks at you hand and gave it a bandage, like from boxing, but that isn't mostly what you're going to do right now.

"Alright... let's see... so you said that you saw your.... dead parents... right?" He asked, and you nod while saying yes. "Hmm... maybe it is one of your abilities?" He asked again, "Maybe yes, maybe no... I'm not sure myself actually" you said to him, looking at your own hands.

"Hmm... how abooouuuttt.... you try doing symbols on the dirt with a stick? It might do something" he says to you, handing a stick. You take it and draw a start first, then a circle, a heart, and any kind of shapes. Nothing happened.

"Uhh... climb a tree?" He suggested, and you did, falling face first, making your head bleed. "Ooowwww" you hold your head, you hear footsteps walking towards you and you look up to see yuji, holding a wet towel. You take the towel from his hands before saying thank you, and put it on your head, putting a bit pressure.

He groans in frustration "... that's all the ideas I just made yesterday!" He says to himself in a loud whisper. "It's alright Yuji, I dont really think it's a need to find out how I can use it" you chukle after saying that.

"W-Well, I think it is a need because you can protect yourself when I'm not here!" He said, looking a bit cute. You blush at how he looks and how he said it.

You're happy that you have someone who cares about you, after all, you lived with your aunt and uncle, but they never really took care of you, they just gave you food, play things, and anything you want and need.

Your thoughts wander around that for  some time, while yuji is just laying on the grass, almost falling asleep, until both of you and him got stopped after hearing a loud explosion. You look everywhere until you saw smoke in the distance.

You and yuji look at each other for a bit before standing to look at What happened...

As both of you got closer, a shape of a man kneeling on the ground with it's head down is becoming more and more visible. And when you both did, it's eyes look at you both before smiling creepily.

It chuckles "Well well well~! I didn't plan on seeing that brats child at all!


A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now