Ryomen Sukuna

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You walked to the bedroom quietly, wanting to surprise yuji. You peeked through the door way, as you were about to surprise him, he says something.

"Sukuna pls just not now!, We shouldn't kill them, they are very nice and sweet, they even decided to help us!" He said, you became confused, who is this Sukuna person? Are they a ghost or an imaginary friend of yuji?

You couldn't ask him yet, you want to know what else he would say, "oh come on! What would you do if you were the one who's being helped!?" He asks who it is. "Hey...Sukuna?... You there?... I swear to frickin gosh you were just talking earlier now your quiet??!!" Yuji sighs, not caring anymore.

He turns around, eyes widening as he sees you in the doorway. "H-Heya Y/N!" His voice cracking a bit. "Uhm... Heya, I'm just here to call you... And I may or may not have eavesdropped on you...." You said, sweatdropping.

"S-so you heard everything I said???" He said in a scared way. "...some of it, yes" you said.

There was an awkward silence, then he speaks up "how much did you hear?", "I heard about this name called sukuna and how they would feel if they were the one who would be helped..." You answered, he didn't speak for a few seconds. "... You would know about sooner or later about it anyway..." He said in a sigh.

"Sorry... I shouldn't have eves dropped on you..." You said, he said it's fine but, you still feel guilty.

"Well, do you want to know him?" He asked, you nod hesitantly, his hand forms a mouth, making your eyes widen.

"Well, well, well, looks like yuji here is already accepting that I get to be known by this maggot" the mouth on his hand said. "So... Sukuna is just a hand?" You asked, making yuji laugh loudly, "do not speak to me like that you mortal!" The mouth on his hand answered. "M-maybe -chuckles- maybe I can let him take control, so that he can talk to you... Not being embarrassed" yuji said "I am not embarrassed you brat!" Said the mouth hand.

"Just tell me how long you want to talk to him" said yuji while sweatdropping. "I guess about... 20 minutes" you answered. He nods and closes his eyes

Tattoos started to form on his body, then he opens his eyes. "Yuji?" You called out. "I'm not yuji, I'm sukuna.... Ryomen Sukuna" the used to be yuji said. "You were the one on yujis hand?" You ask, he sighs "yes, now, what do you want to ask me about mortal?"

"I just wanted to know about you" you answered. "Hmm... Fine... I guess I can tell you about myself" he answered. "As you already know I am Ryomen Sukuna, I am the King of Curses. This brat is my vessel" he answered, "wait wait wait wait, did you just say king of Curses?" You ask, "Yes, I am not surprised that humans like you don't know what a curse is. So let me explain... There is something called as cursed energy which is born from negative emotions such as grief and anger. These negative feelings are common in human society so almost everyone possesses cursed energy. If this amount is higher than a certain degree, it grants the person the ability to see curses, which is very rare among the human race." he told you

You were processing what he just said now, you understand it after a few minutes "damn... That's a lot of information just for a cursed energy" you said, laughing awkwardly

"I'm not done yet.... Curses are apparitions manifested entirely from cursed energy. Even their bodies are composed of cursed energy, making cursed spirits invisible to non-sorcerers. Jujutsu related items such as cursed tools, cursed objects, and cursed corpses all contain cursed energy." He told you more. You weren't so sure if you are one or not... Because when you were a kid you would see weird creatures that would sometimes be clinging on humans.

"I guess my time is up, goodbye mortal" he closes his eyes again, tattoos disapearing.

"So uh... What did he tell you?" Your sure this is yuji because of how he speaks. "Mostly about this curses, cursed energy and cursed tools" you answered. He nods and said ok.

You looked at the time, it's still early. So you guys decided to go out...

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now