Accidental use that led him being saved (2)

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As you 2 stared at the thing that talked, it does as well. Its eyes go back to its head, before going back to normal a bit. "Its a curse..." Yuji said, you look at him confused for a bit before remembering what a curse is again. "Yeah..." You answer him. It made the first move, sprinting towards you.

You managed to move away before it hits you, but you caught a glance of him smiling at you. It made you scared when he did that.

Yuji starts fighting, he aptold you that he can fight him.

A fight goes on for long hours.... until he suddenly fell down and didn't move.

You ran to him, looking at his unconscious body on the grassy floor. You fell down on your knees as your tears start to fall down slowly from your eyes to your cheeks then to the grass...

"HAHAHAHHAA, HE IS SO WEAK!!!! HE DIDN'T PUT UP MUCH FIGHT!!" The curse laughs at the unconscious Yuji, your hands turn into a fist before running towards it.  Running towards him with a speed that a human can't do...

Your fist made contact with the curses face, it's face going to shock before you get to punch him, he flew backwards, breaking trees that are in it's way...

You tried to move and look at yuji, but your body doesn't listen, it just stayed in a standing position...
Oh.... this feeling... It's anger isn't it?.... No... maybe scared? Nervous? Sad?

You cant proccess what your feeling, but that proccessing is cut short when the curse jumps straight at you, aiming for your stomach, you manage to dodge...

"You poor little thing... always so negative..." you say to him, glaring at him creepily...

You didnt know whay happened... but your body suddenly moved and running at him again, but when you blinked your in a different position from where you were running...

When you looked at Yuji, he isn't hurt at all, instead... his surrounded by a shield like bubble, it's barely visible, but the sun gives it away...

Your body moved again, but this time, putting your hand on your back and back to the front... only to see a bow, and you look at your hand to see bows out of nowhere...

You know what to do, you aimed for the head of the curse, the bow slowly turning into flames... blue flames fading to red.... it was such a strange flame but you didn't care, you just wanted to save yuji.... that's all...

You shot the arrow to the head of the curse, it successfully hit its head, before the head explodes.... and then, the body suddenly, turning into ashes...

You fall down to your knees, your body suddenly aching...

You look at Yuji slowly, not even a single new scratch on him...

You walk to Yuji with all your might and carry him to the car, and start to drive back to the house, not caring of the pain your feeling.

When you got back home, every single household members look at you then at Yuji, "p-please, can any one help him heal?* your voice has the obvious sound of sadness and scared, Megumi nods and runs to you, getting Yuji from your arms then at his room

All of the people in the living room became awakwardly quiet... before Gojo walks towards you slowly, with a soft smile...

        "I guess you already know why else we let you stay here...."


Authors note: sorry for the so long update!
Busy with school and things...

But still I hope you still liked reading it!

Have a good day/night readers!

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now