getting to know more about sukuna

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You and Sukuna talk for a bit, trying to think on how to bring yuji back in control. Sukuna already told you again and again that this happened before, but you still panicked.

"I already told you before, me and the brat already had this kind of case" Sukuna said, in a slightly irritated voice, but he's still trying not to hurt you from annoyance.

"I know, I know... I just can't help but panic!" You said to him, he rolls his eyes, not even gonna try to argue back at this point. You didn't even say anything back too.

"Well... While your still here Howa bout I get to know more about you sukuna?" You ask him. He looks at you and closes his eyes before nodding

"What do you want to know about me mortal?" He ask, "well... I don't know you can decide on what you want to talk about" you answer him. "How about... More about curses?" He suggest, you nod

"Well, there types of grades in curses, A Grade refers to the power scaling system that ranks jujutsu ranging from grades one to four, and special grade" he explained "I am a special grade cursed spirit, since possesses vast amounts of cursed energy." He added

You nodded, understanding a bit. He continued explaining more about curses, the different grades mostly, then what he is, and his true form. After a while he finished explaining them.

Your brain couldn't handle so much information. He asks if you understand, and you nod, still remember some of the excess information.

You tried to imagine his true form, but you couldn't because you kind of need rest from hearing all of those. "I bet your tired mortal" he said, you look at him and nod slightly.

He pulled you towards him and starts to your back, making you even more tired, until you fall asleep.


You fell asleep in sukunas arms. He looks at you, stops caressing your hair. He carries places you on the sofa, the part where yuji slept. He sat next to you, examining your form.

You have nice (H/L) (H/C) hair, and the style you put on fits you perfectly. He couldn't help but stare at you while you sleep.

*After a while*


You woke up around midnight, sukuna just sitting next to you, you sit up then look at his face.

He looks peaceful when asleep, even though that yujis face. Both of them looks peaceful when asleep, sukuna opens one eye and smirks at you.

"Staring at people while asleep can make people think your a creep you know?" He said in a playful voice. You blush slightly and look away from him.

He chuckles, then pulls you close to him again, making you blush even more, but you didn't try to escape, Instead you hug him back.

You fall asleep again, peacefully in sukunas arms....

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now