facing your fears...

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As you run through the hallway hoping to find yuji. You ran into Mabel and Kai again. You stopped running and your eyes widen as you see Kai holding yuji.

"Well, well, well~ look what we have here~" Kai said, while shaking yuji a bit. You stepped forward a bit, causing Kai to squeeze yuji a bit harder, making the poor bitty scream a bit in his hand.

You couldn't handle it, you want to save yuji but... There's something you have to give Kai if you would do that...

Kai walks closer to you, you didn't walk away just staring at him. "If you want to save your little friend here, then you have to be my lover again~" Kai said.

(Kai was your first lover, he seemed nice and caring but he is jus ta manipulative human being. He keeps on saying it's for her mother who's in the hospital whenever he would ask for money from you, but he was just buying it for cigarettes, he would also punch you or kick you whenever you say no when he was asking for money. You caught him cheating on you with another person, the next day after he got caught, you decided to break up with him. Because of that he decided to team up with Mabel until he gets you back being his lover)

You stepped back, looking both from him to yuji and yuji to him. You couldn't help but feel fear as he smiles at you.

He drops yuji on the floor and steps on him lightly. "S-Stop!" You said, tears streaming down. You don't want yuji to get hurt or die, you didn't want anyone you care about to get hurt or die...

"You don't own me, I own you, that means that I own this little guy as well... And I get to do whatever I want with him" he said calmy. He steps on him a bit harder. Making yuji bitty bones crack a bit.

When you heard that. Your body moved by itself and punched Kai out of the way

Yujis POV:

my eyes widen as they punched that guy off me. They took me off the ground and put me back to their pocket, running away after that.

The guy from earlier didn't do anything, he just smiled and walked away. With the smile he gave, it made me feel like something wrong is gonna happen.

They ran and ran until they reached the school exit. We got home, and they apologized and apologized to me against and again. "You don't have to apologize!" I said as I notice tears are starting to form on their eyes.

"I'm sorry for not noticing any sooner! If I had, then you wouldn't be hurt!" They said.

My eyes widen as they said that. I couldn't believe someone cared about me. It's hard to believe that I have someone caring for me, I'm not used to it...

"It's alright, you didn't notice, so pls stop crying" I looked at them and smiled a bit. They look at me as well, and nods. "A-are you sure?" They asked, I nod.

"Sorry for crying, it's embarrassing" laughs awkwardly, "crying is normal so it's nothing to be embarrassed about" I assure them.

If they care about me, I will care for them too...

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now