buying clothes for him

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Me and yuji went outside to go get some bitty clothes for him. We went to the place full of bitty clothes and bitty food.

You're actually surprised there's bitty clothes and food places...

You walked inside yuji on your shoulder. A female assistant walked towards you "hello sir/ma'am! Welcome to the bitty shop! How may I help you?" She asks "I'm here to buy clothes pls" you said, she nodded and led you to the aisle full of clothes.

You and yuji looked at every clothes there, he wanted the yellow shirt and blue pants so you got it. You also bought other clothes like jackets and shirts with designs.

You paid for the clothes and went to an ice cream shop, both of you got vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup, yuji just got a bitty cup so that he can have his own, you didn't choose it but instead he's the one who wanted his own.

Yuji asked if Sukuna wanted some, a mouth suddenly forms on his cheek and yuji fed it one scoop. You still aren't used to it but you will be.

The only thing that really bothers you is yuji and sukuna a HB bitty? Or just a normal bitty who forgot something's from videos?

You aren't really sure but you walked back home, looking at the sky while doing it.

When both of you got home, the ice creams are already finished, you and yuji are already done eating the ice cream. You threw both of the ice cream cups to the trash. Both of you fell asleep while you guys were resting while watching YouTube.

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now