buying supplies and some unexpected encounter

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You and Yuji went to the mall to buy supplies, you forgot that he only has bitty clothes,  which he doesn't need anymore. You both are currently choosing clothes for him to wear during the trip. He of course chose the needed clothes, maybe some cool ones too.

To say the least, the so called 'Jujutsu High School of Sorcery' is a bit far from your place. Sorcery is also said to be a myth now.

You bought clothes, and some books for entertainment. You bought different genre of books of course.

Yuji didnt really became picky when it comes to buying shirts, hoodies, or sleeveless shirts. His just worried on what might happen during the trip. Sukuna formed his mouth Yujis hand again, you only met him at least once.

Sukuna just told us to be a bit careful and be wary of our surroundings, then his mouth is gone again. You didnt really know why he said that, but you suddenly remember that there are curses in the place.

Got out of the place with the books and shirts. You went to a market, full of fruits, vegetables and many more.

You let yuji roam around and let him buy some stuff he wants and told him that both of you will meet somewhere at the cashier, you do the same thing after telling him that.

*time skip*

You were going to the cashier until you hear a woman scream. You walked towards the screaming

You saw yuji and some... woman?

Yuji notices you and ran towards you "I-I didnt do anything I swear, please believe me!" He said, you were confused, "Stop lying boy! You just punched me!" The woman replied.

"I-I didnt punch you! I-I just accidently bumped onto you!" Yuji replied back to the woman while stuttering, making her angry. "Is that how you treat your elders?!, First you punched me then your talking back to me?!" The woman screamed at him

Oh.... its a karen, no doubt.

"Uhm, ma'am im sorry but, what happened?" You asked, trying to be calm as possible. The karen looked at you "Are you deaf?! I already mentioned that he punched me!" The woman asnwered in an angry voice.

At that moment, the customers are already surrounding both you and yuji, and the karen.

"You dont know how to respect your elders any more!" The woman said again. The police came by and the karen immediately run to them, telling them that the boy punched her while You harrassed her.

"We didnt do anything wrong, I promise Officer!" Yuji replied, the manager walked towards the crowd, eyeing both you and yuji, and the karen.

"What is going on here?" The manager questioned, "I was punched and harrassed by those two!" The karen points to both you and yuji. "Is this true?" Asks the manager,"N-no, it isnt, I just got here earlier when I heard a scream in this area, then I saw my friend here *you pat yujis shoulder* with this woman *you point to the karen*" you replied.

Everyone didnt do anything, they just watched on what might happen, you didnt mind because who would want to force themselves in this mess?

"Well, we need proof" said the manager, the karen became red from anger and screamed at the manager for not believing her. Your eye twitched, looking around and you saw a cctv camera, you smirk a bit and you look back at them.

"How about we check the cctv cameras?" You suggested, making the Karen's eyes go wide and make her tremble slightly, she tried to stop you all from looking at the cctv footage but failed. You both watched the footage and saw that the karen acted like she was the victim.

The guards escort her out of the market, making her scream in anger. The officers apologized for being late and didnt get to handle the mess earlier. Both you and yuji said its ok and accept their apology.

You and yuji then went back home, getting ready for the trip to the 'jujutsu highschool of sorcery'

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now