delaying the trip

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You and Yuji have been talking for a bit now, mostly about what he saw and felt during the so called "transformation", you couldnt help but wonder... how was yuji found in the first place?

You look at him and he looks back at you. "Hey yuji I have a question..." you said, yuji made a confused noise then nods, "Where were you found in the first... its alright if you can't remember" you continue.

"I dont exactly remember?... i guess?... i dont know" yuji said "I think I was found in the.... place.... that was in the internet..." he slowly thought, he then stood up, "can you open your computer again please?!" He said in a hurrying voice

You open your computer, he used the mouse from the laptop and clicked google, he saw what you searched when the image showed up. The one he said that was familiar to him.

He clicked one of the recent searches and there it was, the image that seemed familiar, "thats the place!, if I could remember it well that was the place where I was found! Well not exactly found but thats the place where I got turned into a bitty..." he said

You look at the image, "how about we try and find that place, maybe we can find more information about yourself!" You suggest, he nods.

You search through the internet on where the place is, you found where it is.

"Lets pack our bags shall we?" I ask him, Yuji looks at you "but i dont have human clothes though.... " he said.


A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now