a not so expected surprise in school

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You woke up early, and got ready for school, like usual. You ate, took a bath, dress in school uniform then go to school. You looked at your bed and didn't see yuji. But you shrugged it off because he couldn't have gone far. You told him yesterday to not leave the house, and he agreed, so you trust that he didn't go far.

You went inside the school bus and put earphones on. Not noticing the small eyes looking at you inside your school bag.

*Time skip*

You got inside you classroom, you sit on your assigned seat. You opened your bag, and your eyes became wide. You saw yuji... Inside your bag.... You walked out of the classroom and went outside.

You opened your bag again and saw him still inside, looking at you and smiling nervously. "W-what- h-how did you get in my bag???" You said.

"I-i just woke up earlier to see what's outside of the room because I heard a noise, but then when I came back, I didn't find you so I just wondered around trying to find you earlier and I couldn't. I saw the bag and looked inside but I fell in!" He said in a whisper scream (idk if that's what's called). "Hmm... What else???" You said.

"I didn't know you were already going somewhere..." He looked down and starts to fidget with his hands. "J-just... Pls don't go anywhere, alright?... I don't want you to get lost" you said in a worried voice. He nodded, you place your hand in front of him and he climbs on it. You put him on your pocket.

"Alright, lets go back Inside before class starts" you said, heading back to the classroom.

*Inside the classroom*

You sat on your assigned seat in class. Looking over to the pocket. You see him peeking from the pocket.

When the teacher came in the class, all of the attention goes to the teacher. You took down notes about the important things in the lesson.

*After class*

You walk out of the class, the second teacher that was supposed to teach right now said that they were not going to be able to attend in the class.

So you headed towards the cafeteria. You looked at your pocket again opening it a bit. You saw yuji looking at you immediately. "Sorry for making you wait" you said in a whisper. "It's alright" he said in a slightly loud voice. When you got inside of the cafeteria, you saw someone you didn't want to see
Mabel and Kai

Authors note: hello I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Sorry for the readers who are named as Mabel or kai. I did not mean to offend you!

Also please correct my grammar, if there are mistakes pls comment it. English is not my main language.

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now