making cookies

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You wake up in sukunas arms, you wiggle yourself out of his grasp succefully. Looking around, all the stuff from the pile of broken planks from Yesterday were placed on the center table. Good thing Sukuna didn't break them.

You look at Sukuna, noticing his eyes are open, looking at you, making you jump backward slightly.

It was still around 7:45 am in the morning. You yawn, still a bit sleepy, but you still have to wake up sometime. You walk towards the kitchen, you hear Sukuna stand up then follow you.

"What do you to eat Sukuna?" You ask him, "I don't mind anything" he answers. You decided to make pancakes today because you didn't know what else to make.

You prepare the ingredients for the pancake batter then you start making it. After that, you turn on the stove and put the pan on it, waiting for it to heat up before putting the pancake batter on the heated pan.

*Time skip*

You prepared the table and place the cooked pancakes on the table, Sukuna walked towards the table and sat on the chair, you do the same. You have him the fork and he starts to eat. You first got the syrup and butter before eating, you offered sukuna some and he nods. He puts some a bit on his pancake and starts to eat it.

You both finished for a while, you washed the dishes and let Sukuna just sit on the sofa or somewhere. After the dishes you open the TV and start watching. Sukuna watches with you during it.

*after a while*

You got bored on watching TV so you stand up and head to the kitchen, Sukuna looking at you when you walk toward it. While you are in the kitchen you walk in circles on what you can do, then one idea came to mind.... cookies.

You dont know wether you in a baking or cooking energy, but theres no doubt you in baking energy today. You hurridly find the ingredients for cookies and put them on the kitchen table.

Sukuna peeking through on what your doing, confused on why your getting more ingredients for baking, are you gonna make pa cakes again? He likes your pancakes but he would only admit it to himself.

You got all the ingredients and materials ready for baking cookies, that's only the time you notice sukuna watching you, smirking. You didnt mind and continue to make the cookie dough.

You thought of different flavours of cookies, and decided to make only 2 the basic cookies, the dark and white chocolate cookies. Of course after thinking about what to make you make them. Melting the butter, putting some flour, sugar, egg, and etc

*timeskip (i forgot how to make cookies)*

You finished making cookies and is now cleaning the dishes, Sukuna walk towards the table and looks at you, "you can eat one if you want" you said, while washing the dishes, he gets one and takes a bite, you arent looking at him so you didnt get to see his face of happiness when he eats the cookie "its... not bad" he replies trying to hide the happiness in his voice.

"Thank you!" You replied back to him, you made a small cook book for yourself just in case you forgot how to make cookies or any kind of cooking or baking.

You finish washing the dishes and you get one of the cookies and eat it, you smiled by how it tastes, it doesnt taste too sweet so its alright. You eat at least 2 more before stopping.

Its been so long since you baked something, good thing you still remember some of the steps on how to make cookies. You go back to the sofa, Sukuna already there sitting with his arms crossed. You sit next to him and lean to him, you can feel him looking at you but you didnt care.

You almost fell asleep until you laid your eyes on the stuff that you and yuji got from the pile yesterday

You go closer to the stuff and examine it. You want to ask yuji about this, but Sukuna is in control for now, so you cant ask him yet...

You go back to sitting and leaning to Sukuna after that, taking a small nap...

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now