yuji and some people?

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You woke on a sofa, not your sofa, but someone elses sofa. You sit up, looking around, examining the room.

"Oh, It seems that your awake" someone said, you look around to notice the yellow haired man that you followed from the ice creams shop.

"...who are you?" You ask him, you don't trust him... Not even a bit, "My name is Nanami Kento, but you can just call me Nanami" the person called  Nanami said. "Where am I?" You ask again, "you're in our house, Yuji will be back in a few hours"

You nod, not moving from where you are right now. You lay back down, questions came rushing To you

What is Nanami gonna do to you?

Are there more people?

Is he a friend of yuji?

Where did he put Yuji?

Or should you say they?

What happened to Yuji?

What is he or are they gonna do to you?

What will happen?

That question is gonna be answered later...

While all the questions were going to your head you fell asleep.

You woke up, already in the evening, you look around again. Trying to find yuji, until you were hugged by someone, you look at the person, your eyes widen by the person. It was Yuji.

You hug him back tightly, tears streaming down bit by bit. "You really miss us huh?" Yuji said, chuckling after it. "Yeah..." You answer him, while wiping your tears.

"Well this is something!" An enthusiastic voice said. You look to where the voice was heard and you saw a man... With a blindfold?

...and other people...

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now