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Now... that we have the materials... how are we going to put all of them up while they are in the house?

I hear someone walking towards me, so I turn around and see Sukuna, "Their mother told me that they would be meeting other humans around afternoon later" he said

At 1 pm: Y/N says goodbye and leaves the house for the meeting

Well then! There's no time to waste!

"Guys! Let's begin!" I said while they pop out of their rooms

Nobara and megumi start to decorate while Sukuna and I help them

Maki, Panda, and Inumaki are currently baking pastries, they said they would might as well add other food

Gojo and Nanami start to plan what they could do to keep Y/N outside longer

One of them screams, we go to the kitchen to see a ghost standing near the counter, I look at Sukuna while he smirks "what seems to be the problem? I have granted their mother and father the ability to touch and be seen by others", that doesn't seem to be a bad idea, but it was just sudden

I explain to them that they are the parents of Y/N, and they seem to calm down a bit

"It seems like we have caused you quite a fright, we just wanted to help you bake pastries that Y/N used to like when they were a child" the father laughed and the mother nods with a smile

"Oh... alright then... lets continue" Maki said with a sweat

We all continue to work afterwards


"Yuji! Me and Nanami are gonna leave now!" They yelled while closing the door, "Alright! Good luck!" I yelled back


Gojo and Nanami arrive where your meeting is taken place, they recieved it from Y/N's parents

They watch Y/N come out of a Cafe while saying good bye to the others, what you didn't expect that they would be waiting, "oh... guys what brings you here?" You ask, "well... we just wanted to take you home, we thought it might be a traffic so..." Gojo said while shrugging with a smile

Y/N thinks they are sweet, you sigh before entering the car

Gojo and Nanami didn't really plan anything, they just watched the news that there would be heavy raining, that would also make some traffic

As they continue to talk while having a ride home

They finally arrive home

Though, while they get off the car, there was a sudden power outage, "oh... welp... its fine, it's Christmas anyways" you said with a groggy smile

You and the two open the door, suddenly the lights open

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" they synchronously scream with laughter

Your eyes open wide from the shock, but a small couldn't be stopped from crawling onto your face

"Oh my... wh... what the..." you stuttered, Yuji walks up to you

"Well... we've been noticing how tired you get every day... so... we decided to have a christmas party dedicated to you" he said, your eyes start to tear up from the sincerity he has said, "well... it was  mostly Yuji's idea" Maki said

Making Yuji look at her with a blush

Your parents walk to you, making you tear up more, the three of you hug together, "let's not delay any longer, I am getting hungry" Sukuna said, ruining themood, but it doesn't matter, it just made you smile more

All of you guys start to eat, your eyes widen as you see your childhood snacks on the table

Some of them start to make jokes, Sukuna eating more than one of each pastry thanks to his 2 mouths, while the others just kept eating or joins the other groups

"Time for gift giving!" Yuji said, after he sees almost all of them not eating any more

"Mine first!" Nobara said, she gives you her gift, you open it up with a very nice and fashion type clothing, "I based off the clothes you would mostly wear", she said, smiling proudly, "haha, it looks nice... I will make sure that I would wear this one special occasions" you said

Second is megumi, you open up his gift and you see 2 plushies of his wolves, "I've  seen how happy would be when you see them, so..." he said while looking away and blushing slightly, "I tried my best not to make it obvious, so... thank you!"

Third is Maki, you open up her gift and see... a katana... "Well... I know your strong, but I just thought this would be useful in fighting too" She said with a smile, "I've always wanted a katana, thank you!"

Fourth is Panda, you open up the gift, to see a a knitting kit, "I've seen you repair clothes and try to make clothes, so it bought this would be suitable I  these kind of situations", it's a full set, "Thank you... this sure would come in handy!"

Fifth is Inumaki, he gives you his gift and you open it, to see a sweater saying 'The greatest person in existence', "aww thank you... I'll change into this later" you smile and he smiles and thumbs up

Sixth is Gojo, he gives you the gift then you open it, you see the glasses and a jacket, both black "I though you would look cool in black... even though you look gorgeous in all colors" he said, "aww, how sweet... I'll use this whenever there's an occasion that would need this"

Seventh is Nanami, you open up the gift and see a butterfly knife, "it's for protection whenever someone tries to hurt you... even though I know you are still stronger than the butterfly knife" he said, "Hey, extra protection won't hurt, so, thank you!"

Eighth person or Curse, is Sukuna, you open up the gift and see 2 books, "I have seen you draw different things and write, I shall say your hand writing is good, those 2 books would be useful for different reasons" he said, "haha, you have seen it when Yuji was still a chibi huh?" I said, and he nods

And lastly Yuji, you open up the gift and see... a locket? It's shaped like a heart, "I wanted to give this to you... just to remind you how much you mean to us" he said, you open up the locket and see the picture with all of them, including Sukuna, and the other side is... your parents

"T...thank you" You said, "I'll cherish this", you said before hugging Jim, he hugs you back

After the gift giving, you found out that the childhood snacks were your parents gift

The party continues on, what happens after all of that? That is for you to imagine, the results of this party shall be in your hands to control


Authors note:

I hope this chapter has bought happiness in your day/night

Please consider this as a gift from me, and I hope you enjoy it!

Remember, keep your smile merry and live a joyous life!


A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now