getting to know more about bitties

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You are in your room, yuji is sleeping on your bed. While you searched the internet about bitties.

There's not much results about it, but at least theres results about bitties. The information loaded in your screen

You read a lot about bitties, some of them being made, bred, or just past humans that lost their memories as a human bitty.

The information about human turning into bitties is this

-the situations like turning human into bitties rarely happens, since magic is now said to be a myth. People said that they "saw" a person turn into a bitty with blue or white smoke covering them. If a person asks a hb (human bitty), they wont remember anything from their lives except for the people like friends and some family members, though only having fragments or vague memories of them. Having the bitty turn back into a human is still not known yet...-

Your eyes widen when you read the information. You couldnt believe that there might still be magic in the world. You couldn't be sure just like it was said in the information.

You looked back to your bitty, still sleeping soundly on the bed.

A small smile made its way on your face, glad that he's having a nice sleep. You looked at the time and saw it was around 10 pm, you didnt have school tomorrow since it will be saturday.

You went to bed, laying next to the bitty yuji

Authors note:
hello sorry that it's the short chapter...
Pls correct my grammar mistakes, english is not my main language.

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now