training (3)

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The next day after passing the second phase in dodging, well... him dodging of course.

You and Gojo are going to your usual training spot, aka the middle of nowhere

"Alright since this is the 3rd phase, I'll give you a tip" Gojo says, while your looking at him, "this one, may sound a bit weird, but you might need to get mad for you to reach your maximum speed, alright?" He says, and you nod saying ok.

He goes somewhere far and you get ready to attack, he counts to 3 and you immediately sprint towards him when he reached to 3.

You were so close to hitting him, but he dodges it in a blink of an eye, you didn't know he can move this fast...

"Oh come on, this can't be your maximum power, it looks like you're just getting started" he says, you were already panting heavily, and when he said those words, you were trying not to change your face, trying to keep a straight one.

A few hours pass

You fall to your knees while panting, Gojo just looking at you with a smile, he isn't even sweating, not even a bead falling down his face.

You didn't know why, but when you looked up, you saw Kai instead of Gojo, which made you jump a bit, you also didn't even know why you're suddenly seeing red, making you run forward to him.

Gojo POV:

They look at me with surprise and anger in their eyes earlier, now they're attacking me with... Maximum speed, I couldnt catch up, so I got hit by them after 5 - 9 attempts of trying to dodge them, I got hit...

I flew back wards, breaking the trees in my way like yesterday...

Once I stopped, I couldn't help but grunt from the pain I'm feeling.

After a few minutes, a shadow on top of me, I look up only to see Y/N standing in front of me, a worried look on their face, "Are you alright?!" They said while looking at me everywhere that is visible, I say I'm fine and told they to help me get back home, "do you remember the routes we took just to get here?" I asked, and they said yes.

We go back to the house, they knock ont he door, Megumi opens the door and his eyes go slightly wide, "are you alright Y/N?" He says, I know he's trying to make me feel ignored.... and he succeed

After a few minutes he asked me if I was ok, and I am glad and happy that I am not ignored at all, "yeah I'm alright, my back and some other parts hurt, but I'll still be fine" I say, as he calls Yuji to help him carry me to my bedroom

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now