the surprise of kai

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Monday... Such a 'glorious' day

You get to learn stuff and get bullied :)
School ain't fun for you any more..
There many things that happened. You trust people to easily which leaves the used to be friends of yours to have an advantage. You got used for money, you even got cheated on by them.

Oh... You guess your describing Kai, a lover of yours that you broke up with...

Your so glad you broke up with him, who knows what would happen if you didn't...

You couldn't help but feel so used at this point. You don't have friends or lovers any more, a lesser chance of being used again.

While you are walking to your class, you don't notice the eyes looking at you...

*At class*

Everyone is looking at you, and some people are laughing. You didn't know what's happening until you saw the whiteboard.

There was a picture of you.. naked, well not really you. Your body does not have any black marks or scars (sorry for the people who have, pls ignore this if this is offensive).

You didn't believe it, the only one that has a picture of you naked is... Kai...

You look around to see Kai smiling at you. The room is filled with negative words, only talking about you...

You couldnt handle it all so you ran out of the room crying, everyone didnt care, they just called you names. You went to the principals office to calm down again

The principal asks what happened and you told him. His face is full of anger and he walked out of the office. Going to the class you go in, he opens the door and everyone stares at him, scared...

After a while he came back with kai

He told kai to apoligies to you, Kai refused and the principal got angry

"Why would I even be sorry to the person who hurts people and used me!?" Kai argued. the principal looked at him and got angrier.

"You shouldnt act like you were the one who got used because me and the teachers know what you and mabel have been doing to them!" The principal argued back, the eyes of kai widen as he hears the sentence. He couldnt believe it, the principal actually knows what he and mabel have been doing?

Kai looks at you and ran towards you. He puts his hands on your neck and starts to choke you,  punching you on the face and some parts of the body, you tried to fight him off but you couldnt. The principal called the other teacher and tries to help get kai off you.

After a while, kai got caught by the other teacher, the students in your classroom are outside, some are peeking through the door, seeing kai choking you. He doesnt notice and proceeds to choke you until you pass out.


The students saw you passed out while kai was choking and punching you, the principal and the teachers manage to get kai off you. Kai didnt like it one bit and tries to grab you neck again, but he failed and got pulled inside a classroom, a bit far from the office.

The teachers who were left with you told the students to help them get you to the nurses office, all of them nodded and carried you there.


You woke up on a bed, the students are looking at you, worried. You couldnt help but feel the pain that is in your body. You tried to stand up but one of your classmates stop you and lays you back down gently.

*i must've passed out...* you thought, you looked around, you already know that some of the students left and some stayed.

"WE ARE SO SORRY!" The students that are left inside the room apologizes. "E-eh?" You stuttered, you were confused but you now know why they are sorry, your head is a bit sleepy. "I-its fine! Y-you dont have to apologize!" You stuttered again, they shake their head vigorously and said "what can we do to makeit up to you!?" They ask, you didnt want any kind of apology gift, a regular apology is already fine for you.


You went home after you recovered a bit from the nurses office, all the students still think that they need to give you a gift for being rude to you.

When you got inside your house, you feel a light tug on in the bottom of your school uniform, you looked down and see yuji smiling to you.  You placed him on the sofa and told him to wait for you.

You go up to your room and changed clothes, going back down to make food for both you and yuji. After that you got some books to read and gave yuji the remote, letting him watch some shows or movies.


Autors note:

Hello! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Correct me if my grammar or parts of it is wrong.

(English is not my main language)

Thank you for reading!

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now