calming him down

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You look between yuji then the stuff repeatedly, you didn't know what to do, you hugged him, making yuji flinch in surprise. He didn't know why you did that but he hugged you back.

You start patting his back while bagging him, subconsciously humming a tune. He is surprised on why your humming, but... It made him feel safe....

He hugs you tighter, loving the warmth your radiating off. You didn't mind it, as long as he's happy.

Both of you hugged for quite a while. You thought he fell asleep because of the light snoring. You look at him and he is asleep.

You didn't mind that, you put him down for a bit, and placed the stuff somewhere else, then you carried him  to the sofa, he may be a heavy but the sofa is just next to you so it's fine.

You left him to take a nap, you didn't disturb him so that he can take a peaceful nap.

*Time skip*

You walked downstairs, noticing yuji already woke up, you went to the kitchen to make him something warm, like hot chocolate. After making it, you give to him. He takes it, and drinks it little by little.

You look at him "are you alright?" You ask him, he nods. "I feel a bit ok because I took a nap..." He said, you didn't ask any further, you pat his head. You looks up to you and smiles softly, "I know your worried and all, but... I'm fine, really" he replied.

You didn't care and continue to pet his head. He lets his head get pet until you stop and little by little lift up your hand. Yuji looks at you and suddenly hugs you. He hoped you didn't mind being hugged suddenly but you didn't.

You hug him back, he's glad that you didn't get mad because of the sudden action. He chuckles a bit and stops hugging you. "Thank you... For trying to comfort me" he said, you smile softly to him. You didn't mind being hugged by him.

"Wow and here I am just watching and talking" you were surprised by the voice, you already know who it is just by how it talks.... Sukuna.

You look everywhere to find his mouth or eye. You found its mouth by the palm of Yujis hand. You're suprised by where it's mouth is. "Hey brat, switch with me" sukuna says to yuji, "and why?" Yuji asks, "because I want to know how it feels like" sukuna says, he's probably referring to hugging.

"Fine" yuji says, yuji closes his eyes and tattoos start to form slowly on his body, the scar under yujis eyes slowly open.

He opens both of his eyes. "Well? What are you waiting for?" Sukuna asks while opening his arms for a hug, you hug him, yujis arms that are now being controlled by sukuna wrapped around you.

"This feels weird.... but in a nice way....." He says, he closes his eyes, after a while he didn't turn back to yuji. You panicked, you look at everywhere, the tattoos are not fading away.

"Don't worry mortal, this already happened before" sukuna said to you, "oh... Ok..." You said, not knowing what to say. You look at him " is yuji still in there?" You ask him, he nods.

You don't know what to do at this point...

Authors note: hey uh... Readers... Sorry for the grammar mistakes if I have. English is not my main language.

Pls comment the mistakes or something like that, I don't know what to say.

This is the time for sukuna to shine... A bit or at least a few chapters idk

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

A Not So Expected Form (Bitty yuji/Bitty Sukuna x reader)Where stories live. Discover now