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"She shouldn't be your role-model"
"Yourself is who you should be"
I know, but it doesn't feel that way
I know, but it's hard to see

A princess and a fighter
I'd always fight for you
We entered the world together
You know that it is true

You seem to me so perfect
You make me feel so weak
While your appreciation
Is all my heart does seek

I am not needed in this world
Don't know what life will be
But when I think about my future
Fear is all I see

You always stay so calm
I wish I was like you
Right now, admiring you there
Is all that I can do

I cannot be like you. But why?
I know that I can try
But you'll always be better
I know that I don't matter

To you now, if even ever
I wanna be like you
I will stop trying never
And all the things you do

Make me feel so weak
It makes me feel an idiot
I know I'm such a freak

Life as you so easy seems
I live as you, deep in my dreams.

But I know deep down it's not true
I have my own path to pursue
It's easy to get lost in somebody else's shine
But I must remind myself, that her path isn't mine

So I'll try to embrace my differences, my quirks
And pursue my own dreams, whatever the works
For even if we're connected by blood
My own journey is mine, my own unique flood

She may be my guide
But my own destiny, I must decide
I'll always love her, that's true
But my own heart, I must learn to listen to

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